Subjective explanations are not proof. They are wishes. Therefore, my question is, why are people emptying their brains and resumes on me all the time? People find out I am opening my Open Stance Academy at beautiful Mission Inn, and they want me to know all about their technical, scientific, athletic work as if they secretly hold the key to my success. It happened again today.
‘I wrote the program for the Olympic bowling team (Don’t laugh. I think it exists). I’ve spoken in sixty countries about friction and spin relationships.’ What this eager gentleman was probably saying was that he now, without his intellectual necessity, has time to establish his legacy. Hence, as if associating with academy directors means educating them, he gets one step closer to writing his memoirs.
I’m sorry if I sound snarkey, but he never even mentioned why his work mattered to the achievement of goals. Ambitious people never do. And, why is it important? Data and scientific words for anatomy, movement, spin, and friction constitute definitions without a difference.
Data and definitions measure and describe what happens during the achievement of goals. Further, it’s not as if our collection of information ceases to be informative and morphs into performance programming. For example, can we put a co-ax cabled spike in the back of our heads to learn to fly a helicopter yet!?
Ultimately, pushing data as adaptative learning simply creates an industry. Bobby, Ben, Sam, Arnie, Jack, and Lee relied on impact feel and ball flight feedback to sharpen their skills.
Ambitious coaches and instructors love to use smart-speak when none of it changes our adaptive performance instincts. IT. IS. INCIDENTAL. KNOWLEDGE. In other words, it’s a distraction – just like ‘keep your head down’ or ‘fire your hips’. They represent useless junk-think feeding distracting ‘Expert’ smart-speak. So, enough with the smart-speak, people.
Just concentrate on why we do anything. Why are our ideas important to our human condition? Why did we study the data and measure the coefficient of friction in the first place? And, oh, by the way – why did that last 4-iron shot not please me as much as the prior?
Sorry. Had to vent. In conclusion, allow me to make a suggestion. If the ‘expert’ you’re listening to doesn’t at least touch on ‘why’ their subjective explanation is actively, foundationally important to goal achievement or adapting to circumstance, turn them off. Walk out. …I’d hate for anyone to get dumber for listening to them.
For another example, we know what we put in our bodies determines our health. That also includes information fed to our brains. If we take in junk, we weaken our body. Diet in food and information is proof of disease or health. Consequently, the days of discussing literal and metaphorical ‘treatments’ as ‘cures’ are over. Proof requires objectivity and success without exception.
I’m going to write another piece real quick about Method Golf Instruction. See you in a bit.
John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy
How Our Ego Affects Our Thinking and Learning