Our stance, ball position, and adaptation form our practice foundation. How do we know its true? Because, great players practice with alignment sticks on the ground to help them set their feet. Also, players add a cross-rod to mark their desired ball position. Then, they change their movement until they make perfect contact and get their desired shot eight out of ten times, at least. Do you?
Most amateurs go to the range to exercise, even though they call it practice. I don’t like that kind of range time, so I will emphasize the proper order of things when practicing. Our feet determine, and our target lines measure. Everything else is a failure-free, intention-driven, movement experiment – as long as you employ open stance philosophy.
I’ll be honest. This site, philosophy, mission/purpose/goal is not to reach recreational golfers. I want to reach motivated, improvement-minded grinders. Unfortunately, that demographic percentage is small. However, in the coming years and decades, golf’s grinder percentage will get larger. Participation is cyclical, so sports novices predictably fall away along with their golf swing relativities.
Technology peaked a few years ago, and is losing marketing steam like Democrats after the Mueller Report release. I expect more rules-bending to make new clubs and balls “better”. Unfortunately, R&A and USGA execs. will be late to the party. Golf has lost 2 Million participants in the last five years.
So, who is left? Rich people and dreamers – golf’s obsessed contingent. I imagine a kid with one club across the fence from Fort Worth CC waiting for dusk to jump the fence and get in a few holes before sundown. Obsessed golfers don’t need new equipment. They are players. “Players” acquire skills with existing equipment, which is bad news for OEMs.
Long-held teaching secrets are bad for OEMs, too. My view is that once the lie is exposed, it’s over for them. The Open Stance carries truth under wing. Please remember, my claim is not invention. Mine is knowledge. I just know, better than anyone else in the world, why an Open Stance works.
People will be subjective about “Their swing” until they realize “Their swing” is subjective – regardless of set-up. We want to be left to our own devices, so we eschew conformity. However, the backlash over the instruction lie will push golfers into all manner of alternatives. The obsessed and intellectually-insulted cadre will lead golf back to the beginning. In proper order, our stance, ball position, and adaptation are all that matters.
Open your stance, and play golf.
John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy