Golf Digest Is At It Again

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Golf Digest is at it again. In our most recent issue, Michael Breed talks about a flop shot. Mike recommends standing further from your ball, which “promotes a shallower swing arc that will help you release the clubhead past your hands”.

Although an effective idea in bunker play, standing further from your ball for a flop shot is reckless advice! And, there are many reasons – not the least of which is Breed’s cited loft-through-release idea.

First of all, standing further from the ball does not necessarily shallow your arc. Michael made an assumption of experience, which he used to reach a conclusion. Experienced golfers widen their stance when they move further from their ball. Consequently, they lower themselves, which is why Breed assumes a “shallower” swing. Once lowered, golfers are, once again, closer to their ball. Good Lord!

Second, our club’s heel, no matter how open, is still interacting with the turf. We know our club’s heel engages turf because Breed makes no mention of gripping up. Moreover, using the full length of our club while lowering our handle raises the toe at address. And, when our club’s heel catches the turf first, especially Bermuda or Kikuyu, it’s over. Talk about eliminating room for errors. God help us, Mike! The heel of our club is the enemy on lob and flop shots.

Third, keeping our handle close to our body on the way through is ALL WRONG. Mike’s advice will take loft OFF your club. Releasing to add loft NECESSITATES the opposite happens. NO ONE who releases the clubhead past their hands keeps their handle close to their body on the way through. To do so requires torso rotation past the ball, which is a driving motion. Our handle is closest to our body before impact.

What Breed describes is not a soft shot action, but a confused, Mickelson-type flop with a driving, pitch shot action. Additionally, Phil doesn’t use Breed’s instruction of standing further from his ball while swinging. Mike is simultaneously recommending rotating through the shot AND releasing the clubhead past your hands. These are opposites. One cannot exist in the presence of the other.

His last paragraph is correct, though. You do want the club to glide through the grass. However, Michael doesn’t describe which lies best aid his recommended instruction. So, let’s see what we can do to correct the steel ball he and Golf Digest just screwed up.

First, we have to assume a level and fluffy lie. Once assumed, you have to keep your club’s heel off the ground by opening your clubface, gripping up, and raising the handle. Wherever you stand to get it done is correct, per club. Aim left (for righties) so your clubface points where you want your ball to start. This is all set-up stuff. The rest is practicing until you get the result you want.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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The First Five Years of The Open Stance Academy

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The first five years of the Open Stance Academy are behind us. Hundreds of thousands of views, clicks and comments later, we’ve come to this. I’ve turned all my posts and their 65,000 words into a eBook, now available on Amazon. Soon, I’ll also convert them into a paperback. That way, you may have them all without staring at a blue-lit computer screen.

We must begin again. I’ll do the heavy lifting, and you give me good feedback. We’ll work together to bring help to the rest of the golfing world. You will be an Open Stance Ambassador.

It is difficult to craft a truly helpful site without getting into the details that make my intellectual property special. It is always available to me in practice. However, in our world, I cannot give away all that time and effort. Hence, I focused my attention on our most important message – the individual power of specific intention.

Our most special gift is our mind, which can bend to unimaginable extremes without breaking. In the process of learning, that flexibility is invaluable, because it allows us to follow a thread without ever feeling lost. In the words of Inigo Montoya, we can “Go back to the beginning” because we know our intention.

The Open Stance is the thread. Our intention is reflected in the path we walk. A straighter path will make the most of the string. But, don’t worry. We can retrace our steps on the path, but should never stop using the thread.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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I Had an Open Stance Dream Last Night

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I had an Open Stance dream last night. When I awoke, my dream became reality. Every golfer in the World decided to control their own mind, swing, and game for the first time. And, there was happiness everywhere.

Golfers played as if there was no rush. Everyone practiced with a purpose. I felt peaceful knowing the truth had finally been accepted. Seeing all the relaxed faces enjoying their own
unique genius slowed the frames as I took it all in.

Golfers were dressed in comfortable, draping clothes in browns, whites, and grays. They reminded me of the Bobby Jones/Bing Crosby Clambake days of golf. Some of these placid folks were enjoying their cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. Some were not. Most of the men had slicked back hair, and the ladies wore their long hair up.

The clubs were modern. But, I didn’t see any golf bags. Whatever club they wanted to use just materialized out of thin air.

There was no real golf course, just a level lawn where people were hitting toward a cypress-sprinkled landscape. I couldn’t tell how far away the trees were. They hung softly in the distance.

As I glide down the line of ladies and gentlemen in dedicated practice, I noticed something comforting. Every golfer stepped into their open address position just as the one before strikes their ball. At impact, they all look like professionals, and they each make contact the moment I am directly down-the-line, behind them. It’s heaven.

I’ve never imagined mystical calm pierced more beautifully by a golf ball and club. When one of my students traps their wedge, you can hear the spin. At their apex, short shots seem to float, as if suspended ornaments hanging from the backdrop of gnarled shadows – then land… without a sound.

Then, without warning, a jarring alarm called me back to my bed. Still, though awake, my Open Stance dream remains rich in my head.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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Why We Don’t Cut a Steak With a Spoon

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Why do we innovate new ideas? Because, inefficiencies are frustrating and time-consuming. And, we don’t like to waste time, do we? I suppose that is why we don’t cut steak with a spoon.

Saving time underpins all human endeavors, and for good reason. We recognize that, all things being equal, getting the job done with a better idea saves time. We needed a better plan, so we invented one. Now, we get through the steak more easily now because we have a Kramer knife than our spoon.

What makes Bob Kramer’s knives so special? The best materials, the best forgings, and the best hammering certainly matter most. But, how did Bob come by those hallmarks of his reputation?

He began with desire – his expression of need. Then, he created a plan, or intention. His plan was to create the finest cutlery in the world based on historical examples.

Therefore, Bob needed to gather knowledge of materials, forging, and hammering from the best sources. He studied swordsmiths from Japan. Then, he began practicing – action tantamount to religion. After trial and error, Bob did not give up because he hit a roadblock. He innovated on an individual level to reach his goal.

Today, Kramer is the best. Bob took our long-held, time-saving solution to steak, expressed his individualism, and made a more excellent and completely unique knife. His cutlery is not only consistently excellent, but also artistically beautiful and surgically precise.

Has my Kramer Corollary reminded you of the Open Stance process where we turn Need into efficiency? I could give a hundred other examples of specific intent, and every achievement process will sound the same. However, I wanted to “Cut to the chase” with a knife metaphor.

Perhaps, you may finally be able to “Cut the cord” tethering you to your golf instruction-based spoon. Spooning is comfortable, but forking is more rewarding. Fork off and find your own solution to the Open Stance knife. Cut through all the bad instruction, and do some Davy Crockett stuff with your Open Stance.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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Second, I’ll Show You That You’re A Genius

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First, I showed you that you are athletic. Second, I’ll show you that you’re a genius. Freeing you from instruction is my only goal here. After all, instruction has no specific intention for you. They have an agenda with you.

Genius follows intention. Assuming you have an intention with your golf ball, equal to your ability, your brain will convert information into feedback. Feedback requires some deciphering, which is where I come in.

For instance, suppose I intend to figure out what year you were born just by studying your golf swing. I’ll have to take action to learn astrology, Chinese animal signs, and cycles. I will also have to observe swings, grips, set-ups, and ask questions. Finally, if I can visually guess age within twelve years, I begin looking for triggers. I’ll put pieces of information together until they connect from end to end. Then, I speak.

Do you think you are a genius? I know you are. But, what genius means may be different for you than for me. I agree that possessing information is ordinary. Everyone has information. So, allow me to prove my claim.

Philosophy makes information incidental, because we collect information while pursuing specific intent. “Pursuit” is religious rigor, or action. Genius, therefore, must emerge from something preceding knowledge, action, or philosophy. If action precedes information, and philosophy precedes action, then genius may be focused mastery of intention.

In any case, once your intention is set, our process begins. Right off the bat, most are amazed at my ability to read their thoughts from swing to adaptive swing. But, I know people think about similar intention – similarly. I also know the adaptive process for every intention. My student’s intention to adapt is assumed. Consequently, my mind-reading ability is more about my intention to connect you to your process.

For example, our Open Stance philosophy requires certain swing changes to enable solid contact. I guide you to keep your set-up orientation exactly the same as we focus on contact. Once your set-up is sure, we establish contact as the secondary focus of our session. Hence, by emphasizing set-up, you are free to interpret information as cues rather than consequences.

Pressure to immediately meet your targeted intent melts away. I inform you that your process allows your intention to remain without attention. I reinforce your brain’s perfect, adaptive wiring, with my aforementioned mind-reading. Once I show you your own genius, you will settle into a consequence-free, but focused, self-teaching dynamic.

You have never been taught this way. NO ONE teaches this way. Solo io. Solo qui.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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First, I’ll Show You That You Are Athletic

First, I’ll show you that you are athletic. Please, answer three questions. 1) Are athletically gifted people immediately better at golf? 2) What determines athletic “gifted-ness”? And finally, 3) Are better golfers athletically more gifted? The answers are 1) No, 2) No one has a measurable definition, and 3) Of course not.

Athleticism refers to a trained response. However, we speak of “Athleticism” as “God-given”. As a result, we can put our definition on the highest intellectual shelf. Because, after all, “out of sight, out of mind” is not just true – but convenient. Moreover, a specious definition, made unassailable by misdirection, is also self-fulfilling.

Our bottom line is that EVERYONE is athletic. Because, athleticism has nothing to do with height, weight, vision, or any culturally accepted, proficiency cue. In fact, I created my thesis with one assumption – bilateral symmetry in able-bodied golfers – due to our cultural misdirection. I really believe we need to ask better questions to get better answers.

My research shows the amount of EXPERIENCE we have moving a certain way determines how “Athletic” we seem. Consider highly-trained young golfers. Every swing made is watched, corrected, and owned by their instructor. As a result, kids never learn how to adapt athletically.

Yes, young golfers move proficiently. However, highly-trained youngsters are lost when their swing migrates, because their instructor is absent. Young suffering golfers now either race back to their instructor for help, or blame them for failing. In any case, athleticism is the missing tumbler. I believe instructors have usurped the adaptive experience and, consequently, the athleticism of highly-trained young golfers.

Athleticism cannot be taught, but rather learned by a thinking, feeling, sentient being. For example, legendary tour professionals all possess a self-sufficient ability to make athletic changes, mid round, to remedy poor results. Legends don’t rely on instruction. Legends rely on inherent adaptive ability.

Adaptation is a large part of athleticism and, therefore, cannot originate outside ourselves. Adaptation is an internal reckoning of facts and feedback. And, because we ALL know how to adapt…

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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Open Stance Academy Founder at Work

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These are the remaining three swing videos of the Open Stance Academy Founder at work. John hit a total of six shots, and we left the two draws and one camera malfunction out. This is not a practiced move due to daily demands away from the course. But, each shot was pure. He continues to reinforce that the Open Stance works with intention only.

Like it or leave it, every shot was pure. Dedicate yourself to adapt to an Open Stance, and your eyes will open.

Open your stance, and play golf.

The Open Stance Academy

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Open Stance Offers The Highest Return On Investment

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The open stance offers the highest return on investment. The investment is commitment, time, and practice. The payoff is compounding interest in the process. The open stance, therefore, accrues until the moment you need to call upon your investment for reward on the golf course.

You are joining the fastest-growing segment of the golfing public – self-improvers. The current knowledge transfer regarding set-up is the greatest of our lifetimes. The Open Stance is leading the conversation with talking points that circumvent old narratives of movement, mechanics, and instructors. As a result, golfers are waking to the new dawn of individual choice in adaptation and experimentation around a proven philosophy. Hence, we are now free to treat our adaptation as a journey rather than a errand.

Need, intention, philosophy, religion, and anthropology are disciplines yet to be tapped in freeing golfers from the yoke of Psychology, Biomechanics, and Mathematics. One path keeps you thinking and helpless. The other path keeps you feeling and empowered. Guess which is which.

On Wall Street, the winners are not the people who rely on tips. The winners go out and do their own research. They commit to a goal and choose the best philosophy to use as their fundamental research framework. Each winner chooses the same basic philosophy. They then learn what to look for and what questions to ask. However, no matter how different each expression of their common philosophy is, the winners get there without altering the starting point.

For decades, the dynamic in our world has been, “Shut off your brain, and just buy what we are selling and hold it until we say buy more.” And, for decades, we believed it worked fairly well. However, what we didn’t realize was that our new and exciting, responsibility-free narrative let the snake in the door.

We now know that inflation and inflated personalities, which maintained our illusion, had compromised our humanity. Fortunately, people are waking up now and questioning past methods. As a result, new, more holistic solutions for old problems are filling in the old knowledge gaps.

The future is in taking back our power to make positive changes. We are relearning how to do simple things that contributed to our sense of self-worth and esteem. However, we still have to actively ignore the old system while our (swing) changes occur, lest we fall back into swing slavery.

Our golf swings are, essentially, a corollary for world events and watershed moments. Golf’s watershed moment occurred five years ago when The Open Stance Academy was founded. I showed golfers innumerable examples of the Open Stance philosophy and it’s prevalence in the greatest ball-strikers of all time.

My only mission is to show golfers what is possible when they entrust themselves to the winning, set-up philosophy. Golfers know there is something substantial about that connection. Consequently, people started listening, adopting, practicing, and reporting back their successes with unanimity. Their success was guaranteed.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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How To Unwind The Tangled Web of Golf Instruction

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How To Unwind The Tangled Web of Golf Instruction

Since the United States was taken off the gold standard, we have been actively wrapped around the axle regarding our golf swings. Due to so many voices cleverly designing word-pictures and gadgets, we began paying attention to movement. Necessarily, we stopped paying attention to set-up, and got worse instead of better. You are reading my latest expression of intent to free you from the yoke around your minds. Therefore, I have to break down the mind trick we allowed to take us over.

First, we believed that athleticism is, somehow, genetic. Wrong! Athleticism is learned behavior. Over time, we employ our neural pathways to integrate patterns of movement, which help us reach our goal “Naturally”.

Second, we learned we need an “expert” to watch us swing, so immediate fixes are possible. We don’t. Immediate change is intellectual and not athletically-driven. While turning immediate change into permanent change, we make mistakes. Mistakes cause doubt and bring on more immediate change to fix our last… and so on.

Third, we learned we need to see our swing. We don’t. However, we bought millions of camcorders and handheld devices, anyway. All we needed was our intention and our goal with our golf ball. Past legends prove that desire to improve is the greatest recording device.

Desire is what makes us copy our golfing heros’ movement and mannerisms. Look at our young male golfers. Who do they all look like? – Ricky Fowler. They’re just trying to figure out how to grow a moustache on a ten-year-old upper lip.

Fourth, we funneled ourselves into teaching forums and groupthink sites, which are supposed to address our questions and worries. All are replacements for personal responsibility and, consequently, satisfaction for independently reaching our goals. For feeble or broken-down psyches, teaching forums are a walker that keeps us from eating it when we trip over a crack in the quick-fix “pavement”.

Fifth, we believed newer equipment replaces swing fundamentals. Wrong! I just bought a ten-year-old r7Quad TP, and hit it 20 by my 460, custom driver. Moreover, hook-faced drivers, de-lofted irons, hotter golf balls, etc. are all rehashed every six months to keep our golf games on the operating table. It’s like a drug that keeps our pain away. However, our problem is that without pain, we get no gain… true story.

I could go on, but I think I’ve untangled enough for now. In summary, don’t believe the hype. Fight the power. Make love, not war. Force equals Mass times Acceleration. The point drives the conversation, the tangent drives the distraction. Which of these applies to you?

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

“Real Eyes Realize Real Lies”

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We need knowledge – not inputs. Therefore, we have to go find the truth rather than believe what we are told out-of-hand. The truth is not as lucrative as deception. I once read a great meme about finding truth, which said, “real eyes realize real lies”. There is a lot of wisdom on the internet, if you know where to look.

In watching an interview with George Gilder recently, I found another parallel to the golf swing. He was comparing socio-economic philosophies and internet innovation. Stay with me.

George quoted Alan Turing as saying, “Machines are necessarily dependent on an ‘Oracle’ – a source of creativity and surprise outside the box.” Commenting on machine learning he said, “Machines can repeat or imitate processes of judgement supplied to them by human beings”. However, machines cannot interpret without more inputs. Therefore, I want to ask. Do you have an ‘Oracle’? Are you a machine?

G.G. also suggested that uncertainty can breed a mindset of either adaptation or fearful submission. He said, “Any ‘guarantee’ prohibits learning and, therefore, prohibits growth”. In other words, guarantees breed submission. Adaptations breed growth. Remember the left brain, right brain dynamic from my Jordan Peterson piece?

George emphasized the future is unpredictable. And, in order to deal with it successfully, you have to learn. If adaptation begins with active learning, then creativity is the individual’s link between the two. He quoted Albert Hirschman, saying, ‘Creativity always comes as a surprise to us’.

Born of creativity, I think adaptation is the creative expression of knowledge that leads to growth. After all, knowledge is power. And, as we know, power is a valuable commodity in any arena. Unfortunately, power is currently hoarded in remote areas of our society thanks to I.T. interests.

For example, internet-reliant companies tell us (‘guarantee’) there is no more innovation or creativity beyond their own. Gilder cites Blockchain technology as their current target. These self-proclaimed Oracles obviously want power to remain with them forever. However, history shows humanity consistently mistakes our latest revolution in creativity as the final one.

Former innovators in golf have been surpassed by new knowledge, too. Ballard, Haney, Stack-and-tilt, A-frame, drills, etc. we’re once considered innovative. But, now golfers are waking up. Any movement-based platform, therefore, will eventually fall by the wayside. Knowledge-based solutions will then populate our conversation. Today, the Open Stance is our only knowledge-based platform.

The Open Stance facilitates creativity. By choosing an Open Stance set-up, you are breaking free of input-intensive golf instruction by your “Oracle”. Your self-driven improvement insures you will come to creative, unique, and surprising solutions to optimize your impact and your golf game.

In doing so, you learn how to trust your learning curve. Also, you learn how to move yourself more efficiently over time. And, finally, you innovate your golf swing in a way that allows you to share your expertise with others.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy