Human Existence Is All About Converting Energy Into Value

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Human existence is all about converting energy into value. We trade our time and labor for love or money. We use fuel to shorten our walk and light our way. And, we set-up open to generate golf-swing efficiency and save our bodies for the other two endeavors. In any case, we don’t try to waste our place on line.

Game theory dictates that people try to destroy the game, and the value of the game goes up. Animal spirits kick in, efficiencies ensue, and value emerges.  Hence, we have our corollary to golf and the golf swing. So, what… all we have to do is become golf animals? Mmmaybe there’s a better way to say it.

For those who have read my stuff, you know I’ve argued that golf’s teaching industry has been trying to destroy golf swings and our golf games for decades. Their man, Kelley, took the physics out of instruction by repelling people with technical information. His work shifted instruction toward relativism in all aspects of striking a golf ball. Unfortunately for chasers, only with a working knowledge of Physics can we truly repair ourselves. Apparently, we were frightened from our path to healing.

Coincidentally, golf courses started getting longer. Longer courses were used to push people toward new, technological “remedies” developed to keep them engaged. Meanwhile, technological “advances” in equipment have destroyed golf course integrity, while directing animal spirits toward possession of land to develop as well as said technology.

Eventually, all this change served to facilitate a zero sum gain for golfers – within the game theory dynamic. We chased easier ideas around a game perfectly-designed to reward hard work. Our attention, wrangled by their promise of another new toy that will make golf easier,  was misplaced. Meanwhile, our national handicap did not change.

Then, one day, “technologically” compiled facts emerged that support conclusions drawn in their “growth of the game” narrative. Shadowy interests kept us engaged and moving toward their next promise of value. We stood witness to decades of golfers interested in whimsically chasing fixes, incomes, deals, clubs, carts, apparel, and social agenda within the halo of a game designed to build character. After all, intention, purpose, fidelity, modesty, and sportsmanship are values of golf. The rest is a waste of energy which we create for ourselves.

However, we are now at the end of our chase for golf swings. Our Open Stance philosophy is your pot of Gold at the end of your rainbow and your “Silver Lining” around instruction’s dark clouds. Setting up open is your shelter in the storm. Take the hint. Seeking safe shelter expresses our desire for self-improvement, or philosophical choice, with action.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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Why Imbalances are Important in Creating Efficiency

Your Set-Up Can Feed Your Brain or Starve Your Brain

Concentrating On Set-Up Is Difficult At First, But Pays Off Big Time

Knowledge Is Not In The Illustration, But The Explanation

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Knowledge is not in the illustration, but the explanation. The illustration is valuable. Don’t get me wrong. However, it should not be seen as knowledge, because it is learned from observation and imagination. I’ve seen dozens of examples of instructors who parrot imagery. Hell, before my Open Stance revolution, I was one of them. I, like many, had no clue about the “Why” behind the What, Where, When, and How.

Illustration drove the “Teaching” industry for decades, and is still prevalent among old-schoolers. Additionally, tangential industries, like fitness, are suggesting they understand the “Why” behind their instruction while misusing terms like “Ballistic” movement to describe twisting… ridiculous. “Ballistic” is not a motion. It is an event. Joey D and Chris Como had me laughing at my TV. Thanks guys.

Illustrations makes books a faster read, though, don’t they? Illustrations are big in children’s books, too. In fact, illustrations are ALWAYS used to usurp our capacity for rational thought. They convey emotional and visual cues that are like catnip to the novice golfer. Every new-toy, golf-swing illustration makes novice golfers dart here and there – clinging sideways to the sofa chair, or ottoman to get a different angle on the visuals. They chase any string you put in front of them, because they have no faith in themselves to improve.

Consequently, my job is to herd those golfing cats into a corral of rationality, which is why my main message is “Open your stance, and play golf.” I’m offering a distillation of the illustrations that, at some point, confuse all less-experienced golfers. Therefore, let me say, that if you want to improve your own golf swing, you don’t need illustrations from anyone. My research and career has proven, if nothing else, that people are athletic and move toward efficiency in time.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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No Amount of Ambition Can Make Up For a Lack of Knowledge

Constantly Asking Why Identifies Knowledge

Our Pretending Is Ending

The Physics of A Flat Downswing

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The physics of a flat downswing that an Open Stance engenders means our club face squares more easily into impact. Students are always amazed at how fast they can turn a slice or fade into a straight ball or a draw from an (impact-steepening) Open Stance. Every student I have understands the solution to their issue in five swings or less. Maybe their comprehension is in my explanation. However, I always tell them they would create the same solution given Open Stance time, and all I do is accelerate their process.

As I explained in my book, The Open Stance and Three Short Game Lessons, flattening our swing widens our swing. And, a wider swing creates tension in our large back and shoulder muscles. Our ensuing shoulder rotation past the ball moves our ball position backward by keeping our club above the ground relative to our stance. Furthermore, our necessary rotation holds our downswing, separation-tension until and through impact.

Power is our yield. Power comes from equal resistance of force plus velocity. Of course, density (Mass) resists greater force than fragility. Our swing-density is in our large muscles. The leading side of our back and deltoids contain our swing-mass resistance. Therefore, moving our most dense muscle groups into impact with radial velocity induced by rotation of fixed levers means power to our ball-striking.

To be frank, I didn’t have a plan for what I wanted to write when I signed in. I just knew I’d not written anything for a week and it was time. So, I revert to the left side of my brain and talk science. And, what better scientific discipline to use than our measurement-master – Physics.

Physics is always the measuring discipline of movement. But movement, explained with bio-physics, can be a less daunting study to undertake. Moreover,  moving to mitigate is how we live our lives. Everything we do and say offsets every choice we make.

From the time we wake until forever, our basic function is stasis, or equilibrium. Most golfers suffer under the idea that they can move efficiently without setting up to insure it. Whether Tiger or Big Tony, we CANNOT become efficient by moving MORE. Assuming athleticism, contact, and consistency are in effect, moving more means waste. Waste means recruiting our athleticism for “Oh S***” compensation rather than full-throttled maximization.

Having bloviated enough for one piece, let’s review. Opening your stance creates a flatter approach along your toe line. Flatter means wider. Wider means big-muscle stretch and rotational delay of release. Delayed release means resistance to impact. Resistance combined with velocity means power. So, where did our release go?

It went to vertical shoulder rotation. The end… have a nice day.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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Is GolfTec Talking Out Of Both Sides Of Their Mouth?

String Theory and Our Golf Swing

The Open Stance Creates Great Ball-Strikers

The Open Stance Academy at Stoneleigh

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The Open Stance Academy at Stoneleigh is my new address heading. When I gave one of my students a lesson here in June, I thought I had been transported to some fairy-tale village in a Walt Disney story. I was immediately in love with the place. Even now, I look out my window and feel a sense of peace here.

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In graduate school, I took some architecture classes that emphasized a “Sense of Place”. They meant a place that melded perfectly with its surroundings. That is Stoneleigh.

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The Original Stoneleigh Tavern from the 1750s.

The golf course cooperates perfectly with the surrounding property. Moreover, it demands that we obey its dictates or pay the consequences. At 6,750 yards, it seems gettable. However, it punishes doubt with impunity.

Each hole is unique and memorable. A month after playing that first round, I could easily remember every hole. Memorability is one criteria used to judge the greatest golf courses in the world. Stoneleigh is fantastic by that standard.

I’m partial, perhaps. But I won’t tell anyone I’ve written about her. Only those pursuing an Open Stance will know for now. However, in years to come, Stoneleigh will gain in reputation and prominence in Northern Virginia and the world for what it is… a special place.

The Open Stance Academy at Stoneleigh will conduct golf schools for Juniors and adults alike throughout the year. Our indoor, technology-centered, improvement lab will carry the hardy golfer through the Winter. We are currently conducting and competing in our first, annual, junior team championship. After only a month with a teaching academy, Stoneleigh’s eighteen junior golfers are competing against neighboring junior elite teams in “The Battle at Stoneleigh Farm”.

Join the crucible of golf at Stoneleigh, and you’ll be better for it.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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Percentage Golf With An Open Stance

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Percentage Golf With An Open Stance

Once we choose and adapt to a swing-saving, Open Stance, we should concern ourselves with the mental side of the game. I’m not talking about esoteric themes, you understand. I am making the assumption of consistent ball-striking and directional control. Therefore, all that is left is to plan your walk around the golf course. We don’t have to chisel our plan into stone ahead of time if we are present in our round. Playing percentage golf is a better way to choose your appropriate shot. 

Phil and Dave, six hour rounds, and any number of niggling excesses of modern-day golfers have us up the night before a round of golf planning as if our ball has a remote control mechanism, wirelessly linked to our brain – responding independently of history and logic. Golf might not work that way… just saying. However, knowing how many out of ten good shots (percentage) we hit with any given club can clear the runway for lower scores.

Once a golfer establishes their philosophy in action and practiced repetition, we take it to the golf course to test it. Over time, we get a sense of the frequency of solid strikes and directional stability with our golf ball. Consequently, and if we are paying attention, we learn how and when to rely on our probabilities. Even now, I find myself using ideal swings to navigate a golf course. Hence, in the absence of practice and play, our decision-making, at some point, will disappoint us. Why do we make golf harder than it needs to be? We should not.

Therefore, take the advice of every great golfer of all time, and work on your short game. That way, you don’t have to be perfect from the fairway in order to score. I’ll tell you the story of Ariel Canete later on as my “paradigm of hope”. Until you get to the point of predictability, do one thing, won’t you?

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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A Flat Swing and A Neutral Grip Go Together

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A flat swing and a neutral grip go together like a steep swing and a strong grip. Last time, I laid out the dynamic of the strong grip offsets. This time, however, I want to cover the Open Stance set-up from the perspective of component cooperation with a neutral grip. Each different styling from each different golfer leads to the same dynamic expression of their chosen philosophy.

First, a neutral grip requires face-squaring offsets that a strong grip does not need. Neutral grippers tend to have significantly flatter swings, for one. NGs hit the ball higher due to earlier release-point characteristics of flat swings. In releasing their club to reach the ball, their arms and hands tend to work less while creating more loft. Isn’t it amazing how many things we do naturally to offset one set-up philosophy?

Of course, when I say naturally, I mean instinctively… athletically. Every one of my students chooses the best remediation for their own purpose and degree. However, each of them always choose the most efficient solution without my prompting. It is amazing to witness.

Furthermore, Neutral Grippers stand further from their golf balls to facilitate both the flat pass and the fuller release, which keeps their shoulders from opening to steepen – a strong gripper’s must. And, finally, neutral grippers carry their hands lower at address to create a more-comfortable arm hang and shoulder alignment that follows the target line.

As I go, please understand the assumptions made do not cover every type. These are the generalities sans outliers. My assumptions is that our grip can cause or enable a good set-up or a bad set-up. The choice is ultimately up to each of us. However, for those that set up open, your body will thank your brain for choosing wisely.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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A Stronger Grip and a Steeper Swing Go Together

Questions You Should Ask Before Judging A Golf Swing

When they Say, Shank “Solution”, Do They Mean ‘Enabling’?

A Stronger Grip and a Steeper Swing Go Together

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A stronger grip and a steeper swing go together. When we place our lead hand on our club in a strong position, our brain makes some athletic adjustments to inhibit clubface-closing movement like releasing the club.  Unfortunately, strong grippers are blockers of necessity. In spite of our double or triple-jointed brothers and sisters leading us to believe a falsehoood, we cannot escape the grim reality of Physics.

Golfers’ strong grips may influence their set-up orientation, or their set-up orientation, if intentional, may influence their grip. Without dissecting the psychological aspect of the dynamic, we at least know the connection between grip and set-up IS causal. An open stance and square shoulders needs a neutral grip. Just as a closed stance and open shoulders needs a stronger grip.

Golfers with strong grips are inevitably low-ball hitters who can strike it pretty solidly with a blocking motion, though generally not long off the tee. Club head path tends to be outside-in, reflecting their open shoulder position, which helps them collect their ball before the club naturally releases. Its no coincidence blockers have shorter swings and an earlier post on their front leg to create offsetting positions and movement. Also, divots are DEEP with the extremes in this camp.

However, sometimes other physical characteristics contributing to power dominate their swing – like raw size, strength, or rotational speed.  I see these characteristics as anomalies. My position is that if all other things are equal, strong grippers are too steep to be long off the tee. Lee Trevino, Paul Azinger, Orville Moody, Jerry Kelly, Ed Fiori, and Bubba are all examples of strong grippers. I think we can agree that Bubba is the anomaly among this group.

Conversely, therefore, we know that a weaker grip is offset by a shallower approach at impact. In fact, we can basically reverse everything just said about strong-grippers to describe weaker-grippers. But, for completeness sake, let’s go through it again….

Golfers with weak grips produce shallower impact. A shallower impact allows time, along the horizontal plane, for our clubface to close with a natural release point. The more horizontal our swing (Flatter) the more efficiently the club closes without sacrificing trajectory, contact, and distance. The club head path for average, weak-grip golfers is inside-out to cooperate with our face-squaring needs.

Finally, for my counter-argument, weaker grips produce longer golf swings, which are flatter by virtue of their length. Flatter swings produce shallow impact. Shallow impact produces higher trajectories. Nicklaus, Ballesteros, Watson, Stewart, Hogan, Weiskopf, Miller, Fowler, Dechambeau, and Pavin all have their leading hand on their club in a neutral to weak position. However, I think we can all agree, that Pavin is the anomaly among this group.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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Paul Azinger Won With an Open Stance, Too

Has Ricky Fowler Revealed The Secret of Famous Instructors?

The Key To Great Wedge Play Is Eye-solation

Is GolfTec Talking Out Of Both Sides Of Their Mouth?

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Is GolfTec talking out of both sides of their mouth. Their VP of instruction, Nick Clearwater, did a spot for Golf Digest’s September ’19 issue that exposed the truth they ignore. GolfTec has all the tech. a golfer would ever need, and yet they still missed the mark.

You see, knowledge of technology is only effective in their instruction if swing knowledge is also present. That’s the problem here. They read data and drew a conclusion. Essentially, they interpreted facts to support their own conclusions… not exactly the height of intellectual thought.

Their data shows “About” 60 degrees of turn into the backswing for professional golfers based on their pre-swing, shoulder alignment. So, if Jessica Korda has open shoulders at address, that number is subtracted from 60 degrees to justify the 60. Their rationale must be that the body line is the measuring device for the swing. If you and I are on the same page, then you know the target line measures our movement.

Then, Clearwater cites an exception to give the reader the idea that he is fairly interpreting the data. Brooks Koepka, for instance, turns less than their standard. However, they justify the Koepka exception by citing his strength and clubhead speed – a blatant qualitative measure to explain a quant. Its Apples and Oranges logic … terrible.

Specious is the word that jumps to mind when I read the article. Unsubstantiated claims on a relative measure are not facts. They are opinions. And, moreover, they are movement-based. So, if you read the article, treat it as a novice instructor’s opinion, and then ignore it.

Every golf swing is subject to The Laws of Physics, no matter if it is “Your swing”, or “My Swing.” By subdividing a golf swing based on segments, GolfTec and instructors worldwide distract unsuspecting students from the cure in order to sell them as many “treatments” as possible. You don’t need that treatment. You only need to do one thing.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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Apparently, Brooks Koepka Does Change Some Things
Did Jordan Spieth Lose The Open With His Driver?
The Open Stance Creates Great Ball-Strikers

The Key To Great Wedge Play Is Eye-solation

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The Key To Great Wedge Play Is Eye-Solation

I’ve seen thousands of golfers try to chip, pitch, and wedge shots many different ways. However, one factor separates the good and the great wedge players from the bad and the ugly. The ball doesn’t move when a great player moves. Which means, their eyes don’t move when they move.

Major league players keep their eyes steady to pick up fly balls, ground balls, the first baseman, and the catcher. They look graceful while throwing, catching, and hitting because they eliminate inefficient motion. We observe one common theme in great athletes – their eyes don’t move more than absolutely necessary.

Without practice, our wedge game may get a little off. If our contact suffers, our swing gets longer to build a “Slop-factor” into our process. We know our set up is off, and we know it because our ball position looks a bit unsteady while we swing. Ball position is a set-up variable, so we can figure out, pretty quickly, how to diagnose our wedge malady.

Concentrating on eye-solation while practicing forces us to observe our movement, which helps accelerate our progress. Golfers don’t have to set up open to keep their eyes still, mind you. However, they DO have to set up open to keep their eyes still, produce shaft lean, and steepen impact for ball compression in the event we have adverse lies or have to produce backspin.

The one, best way I’ve found to accomplish everything needed for great wedge play and short-game mastery is eye-solating our weight on our forward foot while we swing. The longer our shot, of course, the longer our swing, which means we need less eye-solation in our swing set-up. Learning to move your wedge swings around this one necessity will create better contact, which will take the “Slop” out of your swing-length, and make you “sticky” into and around the greens.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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Patrick Cantlay Won The Memorial From an Open Stance
The Open Stance…The Eyes Have It
“Real Eyes Realize Real Lies”

How Our Feet Can Change Our Ball Position

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Yesterday, I was teaching a gentleman how our feet can change our ball position. The dynamic is simple enough to understand. However, expanding our knowledge is the point of coming to OSA, so you get the full monty.

The first assumption is that all fundamentals are in tow. Otherwise, open, closed, or square are all included. Also, we are assuming motion is a consequence of set-up orientation, and not a predetermined method – like Stack-and-Tilt. Ouch!

Assumptions eliminate circular logic, which is most of what I deal with from doubters. Setting assumptions ahead of time squashes the jumping around normally accompanying their “game”. In fairness, I’m sure my own, logical style is equally frustrating to them. Nevertheless – our feet….

Our feet are attached to our leg at our ankle, from which our feet extend anteriorly to assist our perambulation. If we notice, we are able to move our toes left and right while keeping our heel in the same spot on the ground. In doing so, we utilize muscles and joints differently to relieve the pressure it creates. Our upper body movement adjusts to accommodate different foot orientation, too.

Swinging our golf club with our forward foot perpendicular to the target causes our adaptive response to react differently than if our forward foot is pigeon-toed backward or splayed toward our target. I am tempted to talk motion here, but I won’t. Let’s get into ball position with three, leading-foot positions.

Allusion to How Our Feet Change Our Ball Position

Assuming the trailing foot is square to our body-line, the leading foot can move our ball position forward or backward, depending on degree. When our leading foot splays open toward our target, the natural bottom of our swing moves forward or, toward our target with the change. Consequently, our ball position moves, physiologically – backward in our stance. By contrast, when our leading foot pigeon-toes backward (With our same set of assumptions), the natural bottom of our swing moves away from the target.

Small changes in our foot orientation can have beneficial or disastrous effects on our golf swing. Motion consequence is for next time. However, if we place our feet intentionally, and with knowledge of our choice, our ball position becomes an intentional choice, by default. Then, our results are more measurable. But, just to reemphasize our theme – Our set-up HAS TO BE purposeful.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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Our Stance, Ball Position, and Adaptation Form Our Practice

Your Set-Up Can Feed Your Brain or Starve Your Brain

Patrick Cantlay Won The Memorial From an Open Stance