Repaint! And Thin No Morikawa

I’m laughing as I write, Repaint! And thin no Morikawa. I always remember the punchline of a joke an old pastor told at our church. “Repaint! And thin no more”. Therefore, I had a short leap to including Colli Mo here. Furthermore, I’m reminded of interesting mixed symbol phrases/tests emails where our brains replace weird symbols with shape specific letters to allow deciphering. Although we hear the wrong words, we understand the meaning.

For example, during my 36-hole Valspar Championship Pro-Am, I talked golf swing with the players. My role as PGA Ambassador is flexible. Therefore, I took an opportunity to bring truth to my groups, who were unanimously steep with thin contact. Though my message is undeniably brief and as broad as a stroke can be, I made my players understand THEY were in control of their improvement now that they had their remedy.

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Repaint! And thin no Morikawa…. Ask Sherwin Williams

The COO, Heidi, allowed me to cure her struggle with a set-up tweak. Once again in thirty seconds, I imitated her feet and shoulders (Closed and Open) at address. Then, I asked her to reverse that arrangement (Feet Open, shoulders closed to them). Not only did she immediately improve but was celebrated for the rest of her round! She went from thin heel shanks to the heavens and from 5-120-yard drives to over 200. She hit her drive on #7 (Our 16th) 178 yards uphill and into the wind! I estimate her drive was equivalent to 215-220 yards normalized.

Collin Morikawa aka Colli Mo

My man, Andrew played his wicked pull-slice like my man Wole had at the Palmer. I went over the Physics of impact with Andrew for one minute, and he did the rest. Consequently, his shots immediately improved. He started hitting it hard and straight, like Wole. We were all thrilled. He was cheered. We were all smiling for the rest of the round.

The CEO was great. What a gentleman! Gifted with a BEAUTIFUL putting stroke, John started very well. However, while my attention was on Andrew and Heidi, I lost his window of receptivity. I mentioned it on the second nine, but too late to save his round. Which is a shame, because he hit his first ball about 300yds on #10. I imagine the pressure of hosting the week took its toll on his game.

My afternoon group needed less preaching. Three gentlemen were experienced players. However, P-Ditty (Skeptisaurus Ditty) was not an experienced player. And, when I started asking my question, Ditty didn’t want to hear it. After “15 years away from golf and recent GolfTec lessons” in his head, he didn’t have his ears on. Fortunately, I always bring a pair to share.

Obviously under pressure, P-Dit was an aim left, pull-cutter’s pull-cutter. I caught up to him on 14 (Our fifth) after an unfortunate series of events. I asked P-Skept if he knew the physics of impact with clubface and path. While looking skyward (Eye-roll), he said “no, my GolfTec instructor said blather, bunk, and BS and my X excuse and my Y excuse” is why my ears don’t work.

Repaint And thin no more. - Repaint! And Thin No Morikawa
Repaint! ? There’s got to be a good Zinger in there somewhere.

My first instinct was to allow his resistant struggle, but the desperation in his face kept me after him. After a condensed, impatient-man-explanation, my pitch concluded. Obviously, the next time I spoke, he’d be a listener or a talker.

He became a listener. After his next shot, P-Ditty asked for me to repeat my ‘hurried’ talk. Then, Ditty began processing our exchange. THE NEXT SWING, P-Dit hit his first solid straight shot. From there on, Ditty’s golf guru was not the one hiding behind a golf simulator and computer in a Dallas high-rise. P-D’s main man was walking it with him. Needless to say, Big Ditty took charge of his own improvement and lost his excuses. The only concern that made the entire loop was, “I just need soo much practice” … My Man.

My own experience with the Valspar folks was ideal. They are salt-of-the-Earth people and deserve worlds of success, so go out and buy some Made-in-America Sherwin-Williams and Valspar products. Incidentally, I have no dog in that hunt. Oh, and remember to Open your Stance like Colli Mo. Maybe then you will redeem yourself back on-course for golfing salvation after you Repaint! And thin no Morikawa.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

There’s Madness In Methods

Bruce and Specific Intention

Breed Won’t Read and Ledbetter Copies

Open Stance Slow Mo

Open Stance slow mo is a useful tool for me. By slowing down my overall speed, I can freeze the video on a more specific moment in my swing. Additionally, I feel this is important because at my level of ball-striking, we are addressing the details of refinement. Only a few minutes long, we can see and hear each swing, which brings all our faculties into analyzing and diagnosing errors or inefficiencies. Therefore, as a test case, feel free to critique what you see in my process that stands out to you.

Open Stance Slow Mo

For you who are getting something out of my misery, you probably notice differences between these swings and my swing a month, a year, or three years ago. My YouTube Channel still has some swings saved. If you are interested, those swings are much different than these.

None of my social media swings, until this year, had a goal past neutral pathing and solid strikes. This series reflects as close to starting from zero as I’ve ever been. Again, I hope you are improving along with me. Don’t hesitate to write in with momentary questions, failures, or celebrations.

My outward goal is to engage our golfing public in Open Stance golf. However, it’s not because I want my work validated. I’d be just as happy to find out I’ve been wrong this whole time. I just doubt I’m wrong about the Open Stance, due mainly to the majority of PGA Tour golf swings using the Open Stance as a platform for their precision.

Nonetheless, your improvement will not happen until you own your process. Your process depends completely on your first principles theory. Any first principles theory underlies any and every other logical thought, word, or action conceived…. Kinda like a platform.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

Everyone Improves With An Open Stance!

Questions You Should Ask Before Judging A Golf Swing

Welcome To The Open Stance Academy’s New Home – MISSION INN RESORT

Knocking Down Normal

Knocking down normal golf shots with my same swing thought seemed a nice but productive way to sail through a session. Doing my same old thing was getting a bit stodgy. I needed playtime in my range time.

You may wonder about my title. Watch my video, and you’ll understand the value of creating while you practice. Of course, you need to be fluent in impact physics to apply yourself. However, with ample reps. available, your practice and control over your own process blossoms.

Knocking Down Normal

Knocking down shots have multiple advantages. Because wind is an inevitable part of golf, we often look for ball control. Nearly always effective, knock-down shots require altogether less effort. Less speed, less motion, less spin, less exposure to elements, and more shaft lean all combine to ease our ball-striking trouble.

First, we allow our motion to change without pressurizing our situation. Mentally, we take a break from our droning habits to have more adventure. Hopefully, you practice before you apply, by the way. Second, we know to look for our ball flight lower in the air… not the sky. By creating a different expectation, we accept more aberrant misses, which reduces our stress level while improving our attitude.

Third, successful conversion of intention into solid strike makes our intention bear fruit. Moreover, if our solid strike yields a stroke-saving result, we have a story to tell forever. Therefore, knock down normal to play in practice.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

Add Intention To Your Practice

Welcome To My Practice Session

Steepening Arm Swing Quickly In Open Stance Practice

On The Wright Path

The following video shows me on the Wright path. The work done over my last thirty days and two months of conditioning and diet are working. Although I have not lifted any weights yet, my speed and distance are increasing simply from productive reps.

My hope is to show you a little bit of the obsessive nature of my work. Whether we call it tunnel vision or focus really doesn’t matter to me. This process is getting us to our end goal faster than any other.
On The Wright Path

Throughout the video, I’ll discuss what is working and not, how my thoughts and priorities change in any given session, and why changing paths mid-hike can shorten our trip. Positive, intentional corrections during this initial improvement phase are more important than precision. My balance is still off due to corrective measures. However, my focus is still on preparing my club and matching my ball position.

I realize most people don’t have unlimited range balls to hit each day. Try negotiating packages with your local practice facility. Maybe you both win. I can almost guarantee there is a happy middle ground for you both.

Practice nets are fairly inexpensive. If you have room in your garage or basement, you have a conditioning room. Without flying golf ball distractions, we can make more reps per session. Therefore, the time needed to strengthen your hands is condensed compared to range time. Our ability to focus what we’re doing for a few hours a day or evening – THAT determines whether or not we are on the wright path.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

Be Determined With Our Open Stance

How To Manage Your Short Game in Bermuda Grass

We Believe Golfers Should Have Total Control Of Their Improvement

Open Stance Accelerator

Post Bay Hill Pro-Am, I considered renaming our golf school Open Stance Accelerator. ‘Accelerator’ refers to the improvement rate within your Open Stance set-up. Since breaking bad habits and improving faster are hallmarks of our Open Stance set-up, why not change our name?

No matter our size and shape, our set-up causes our golf swing reactions. Even though your swing stimuli mirror everyone else’s, your Open Stance reactions appear unique visually. Therefore, I thought maybe I’d name my school after your time-relative, efficiency-engendered process. On the other hand, The Open Stance Academy is growing fast on its own. I take special pride in the fact that an idea I promote is taking over our golfing world without thrusting me into their very hot spotlight.

My objective here is to help golfers understand that traditional media have knowingly withheld truth regarding their golf swing and game improvement. Moreover, I want to give people applicable information needed to improve their own golf game, not data or statistics. Data and stats measure, not cause, results.

Applicable information simplifies our learning process, because we already have specific intention, discipline, and determination. Applying information means actively expressing our understanding (Motion). For example, understanding our club face and path at impact, which I explained to Ian Poulter’s Pro-Am partner, liberated his swing and game in one minute of thought and application.

By the way, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention something. Ian was fantastic with everyone. I really respect his total engagement with all three of his Pro-Am partners. He ‘helped’ them with ‘lessons’ between shots and joked around to keep things light. However, he was clearly distracted. I kept hearing his diagnoses and his “Feeling” he suggested they create while swinging. Being woefully helpful, I thought I’d alleviate his instructional load.

Fortunately, I almost never keep my mouth shut when nonsense abounds. I kept my opinion quiet for fifteen holes. However, on our sixteenth hole, my expertise emerged.

My man (Pictured below) struggled for fifteen holes with a steep, dramatic, pull-slice. His driver flew only about twenty feet high when he hit it solidly. No offense to Ian but knowing each person hears a slightly different voice, I thought my voice might help him. Therefore, on our walk to seventh green (Our 16th hole) I engaged.

After literally one minute of explanation, my new student cured himself. And, although his new evolving swing was still uncomfortable, over the last two holes, he smashed four straight shots. Each was high and hard. Hence, my new friend finished on a high note. I was happy for him. He gave me the idea for Open Stance Accelerator and went from zero to 100 faster than Ian’s Ferrari.
Open Stance Accelerator #9

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

El Campeon Driver Spec Comparison Plus

El Campeon Driver Spec Comparison Plus is a bit of an aside to my current process. Fortunately, getting out on El Campeon for a Driver Comparison plus strategery lesson gives you a slight break from the norm. The following video is my application of work I’ve done mixed with technical club analysis.
El Campeon Driver Spec Comparison Plus

I have two choices -a 9.5 X shaft with 3.0 degrees of torque and an 8.5 X shaft with 4.1 degrees of torque. Each has benefits. However, the energy provided by the extra torque also serves to fight a slice, which I do not need. Moreover, the 8.5 is a sledgehammer. Carrying 32g of weighting, my #1 is due for a diet. At a minimum, I’ll have to move the heavy weights to the back of the club for trajectory reasons.

The 9.5, my #2, carries 22g of weighting. After swinging my #1, my #2 feels like a toothpick. However, its trajectory suits me. I have 12g in back and 10g in front. The 9.5 has a cord grip on it, which makes the head feel. Additionally, the shaft flexes a bit less due to grip rigidity. Therefore, I have perhaps a seasonal decision to make.

The lower trajectory may suit windier conditions, which occur in Florida’s Winters. During our Summer, fairways tend to be wet due to irrigating Bermuda, which is a very thirsty grass. Therefore, I might as well fly it as far as possible if roll is a non-starter.

If I were to play in Scotland, #1 would fit the bill. In Colorado or Scottsdale, the extra traj. is the call. However, NONE of this discussion matters if we cannot make precise contact with our ball. All my assumptions here are for perfect impact, which means path, contact, and speed. From there, I’ll defer to Baaz to dial me in.

By the way, Baaz has arrived in Florida. We are beginning our ‘healing of the golfing world’ together very soon at legendary Mission Inn Resort. Book your time soon. OSA Rates will help you choose your accommodations. I will be adding perks to your stay soon. Stay tuned.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

I Just Got Off The Phone With The World’s Best Clubfitter – Gurbazz Mann

How To Manage Your Short Game in Bermuda Grass

Add Intention To Your Practice

Be Determined With Our Open Stance

Be determined with our Open Stance. It does no good to temporarily “TRY” any new tip in hopes of making ourselves better golfers. We have to take the best idea and make it work for us with determination and discipline. Otherwise, we are just chasing one evaporating dream after another. You know… like Don Quixote – endearing but pathetic.

Without getting too far into the weeds, any of you watching my own improvement process knows I’ve been working from one platform – an Open Stance. You also know that I’ve been working on one idea to undo a less effective idea for six weeks. I’m not nearly comfortable yet.

However, my ability to work on an idea in spite of that discomfort is probably why I improve so quickly. Don’t worry if you cannot persevere with set up strangeness. You can do one thing at a time. My changes occur within, more or less, golf swing triage.
Be Determined With Our Open Stance

If you have over flattened or lost your desired ball flight or contact, and you have set up intentionally open with every swing, it may be time for some adjustment. Use my example to help open up your own options. Of course, if you ever have questions, I make myself available to answer you.

In conclusion, we need to take divots as evidence we have shaft lean along the plane. We need perfect contact, which is evidence our plane and ball position match. We need our intended ball flight shape, which is evidence we have set the club face properly at address and we return it properly at impact with our swing.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

Reviewing the Open Stance Golf Swing Changes

Laying The Club Off Creates a Pulled Start Line

Great Wedge Play and Passive Acceleration

Steepening Arm Swing Quickly In Open Stance Practice
Steepening Arm Swing Quickly In Open Stance Practice

Yesterday, I took it upon myself to show you all how to marry ball position to adaptation. And, though my words were tempered by three hours of ball-striking and certain dehydration, I think my assumptions and disclaimers made it into the spot. I hope so, anyway.

Remember, I am in retraining mode right now. Also, these measures are to bring about the fastest possible conversion. Many cannot force themselves into what amounts to ”Golf Swing Shock Therapy”. It’s fine. However, I am way too impatient to take the safer road. I need it now.

Apparently, I cannot add my FlightScope numbers after posting. so I’ll include them here. Keep in mind, radical swing changes never accompany optimal numbers due to hesitancy. My goal, as articulated in my talk, is ”Path”. Notice how path gets less extremely left with shorter clubs. Then, also notice ball position married to shorter clubs. We have direct correlation.

In a couple months, when I’ve moderated this motion, my data will reflect more optimal speeds and impacts. Smash Factor (The ratio of ball speed to clubhead speed) and Path will be my only concern. I find those two metrics alone describe the quality of our impact. All other stimuli is visual, which is what guides our ball-striking development.

My reason for steepening arm swing quickly in open stance practice is to optimize impact with balanced movements. Otherwise, I would have to rotate too much on my leading side with a flatter arm swing. Anyway, I’ve undertaken this process because I overdid my flattening. Therefore, I have to undo my over-flattening. I’m sure that makes total sense. I may need more water.

Good luck with your own adaptations. If you have any questions, just drop me a note on or here, and I’ll get back to you asap.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

Controlling Spine Angle With Arm Swing

Retrain Your Backswing for Downswing Success

Lag Golf Swing Is Expression Submission Technique

There’s Madness In Methods

There’s madness in methods, There’s madness in methods, etc. ad infinitum.

Ever feel like you need proof or genuine reverse engineering of your favorite subject – your golf swing? Then, why is it we have not entered that discussion in the last century or more? More specifically, why have we lionized golf swing personalities without questioning their knowledge? Relax, you’re not to blame.

Furthermore, have you noticed the number of catchy methods proliferating the golf scene over the last thirty years? A method is ‘Orderly arrangement of parts or steps to accomplish an end.” Natural Golf, One-Plane, Stack-and-tilt, and A-Frame come to mind. Methods even exist in other disciplines. For example, Keto, Adkins, Transcedentalism, Jungian, Freudian, Vedic, Western, Scientific, and on are methods within disciplines.

There’s Madness in Methods

Methods are a way for lazy but ambitious people to short-circuit the learning experience in favor of gaining income from quick novelty or fleeting notoriety. They invent a way to talk about movement that seeks to encompass everything in what is commonly referred to as an “Elevator Version”.

Elevator versions are usually rife with name-dropping, scientific terminology, statistics, insults, circular logic, and bait-and-switches. And you cannot disagree with them. No no, my friend. Then you become one of those golf swing ‘insert derogatory term here-ists’.

Consequently, the method gurus main goal, in the absence of research or knowledge, is to assume original, unassailable ‘knowledge’. And, since that knowledge cannot be about the golf swing, they focus on marketing a visceral phrase or term to distract people from asking questions about the real foundation of their wisdom.

Methods are created by clever people. Don’t get me wrong. But, they are lazy people. Unfortunately for the popularity-minded method mavens, they inevitably become a cautionary tale or butt of a joke. I cite Hank Haney and his “Hit the outside half of the ball” method. Manuel de la Torre pretty much dismantled that junk single-handedly in one minute. Now, Hank is mass mailing golf gadgets online.

There’s Madness in Methods

Due to the laziness inherent in these ambitious, meat-headed line-cutters, they introduce madness into the discourse of the golf swing. Their expanations become more like word salad. ‘Much ado about nothing’ or, even better, “It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” – Macbeth.

Take your pick of ANY GOLF INSTRUCTOR ON EARTH, AND LISTEN TO WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT THE GOLF SWING. Then ask why ‘that statement’ is important; why that position or movement is necessary. They will NEVER go that far. If they ever do, its because they’ve read and memorized my work.

I recently took part in a PGA teaching seminar where the concept of ‘intent‘ was finally discussed by the presenters. What a novel idea! I’ve only been talking about it since 2010. They didn’t combine it with any other adjacent discipline though. Seemingly, our golf world controllers seek to compartmentalize knowledge to shorten their learning curve and maintain, as George Costanza said, their “delicate genius”. It won’t work. I and my students are too far ahead for their relevance to last.

Golf Methodologists will stop others’ digging by stating how their expert statement applies to ‘their players’. What they really mean is, “according to my (imaginary) sources. Let’s stop talking about it now”. What better way to insulate their delicate genius than with the ‘higher power’ gambit.

I am BEGGING you all to test your instructors and coaches knowledge. Why are you trading your hard-earned money for celebrity instead of knowledge? I suppose its easy for someone like me, who is unaffected by celebrity, to say ‘That’s crazy’.

Most celebrities have no idea how they even became famous. Celebrities are unwitting by-products of “Western Culture” or, as Living Colour sang, “Cult of Personality”. Fame is born of ambition. But, ultimately, ambition cannot exist in the presence of knowledge, and vice versa. Therefore, the more you learn about the golf swing here, the less able the lazy are to get your lesson payments.

For example, ambitious people (Go-Getters) invented the phrase “I can learn the job after I get it”, and “I can fake it ’til I make it”, etc. Golf Methodologists are among this group. Unfortunately, ambition blinds people to the affect they have on others, who either become assets or liabilities, keepers or disposables. And I don’t see people that way.

Our golf method ambitioneers, like celebrities anywhere, push their ‘buyers’ to the microphone and deride their sellers – both without ever discussing how their method betters the human condition. Suffice it to say, their ascent comes without grounding in real, studied knowledge. It’s madness. And we all know it.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

Constantly Asking “Why” Identifies Knowledge

Knowledge Is Not In The Illustration, But The Explanation

How Our Feet Can Change Our Ball Position

Subjective Explanations Are Not Proof. They Are Wishes.

Subjective explanations are not proof. They are wishes. Therefore, my question is, why are people emptying their brains and resumes on me all the time? People find out I am opening my Open Stance Academy at beautiful Mission Inn, and they want me to know all about their technical, scientific, athletic work as if they secretly hold the key to my success. It happened again today.

‘I wrote the program for the Olympic bowling team (Don’t laugh. I think it exists). I’ve spoken in sixty countries about friction and spin relationships.’ What this eager gentleman was probably saying was that he now, without his intellectual necessity, has time to establish his legacy. Hence, as if associating with academy directors means educating them, he gets one step closer to writing his memoirs.

I’m sorry if I sound snarkey, but he never even mentioned why his work mattered to the achievement of goals. Ambitious people never do. And, why is it important? Data and scientific words for anatomy, movement, spin, and friction constitute definitions without a difference.

Data and definitions measure and describe what happens during the achievement of goals. Further, it’s not as if our collection of information ceases to be informative and morphs into performance programming. For example, can we put a co-ax cabled spike in the back of our heads to learn to fly a helicopter yet!?

Subjective Explanations Are Not Proof. They Are Wishes.

Ultimately, pushing data as adaptative learning simply creates an industry. Bobby, Ben, Sam, Arnie, Jack, and Lee relied on impact feel and ball flight feedback to sharpen their skills.

Ambitious coaches and instructors love to use smart-speak when none of it changes our adaptive performance instincts. IT. IS. INCIDENTAL. KNOWLEDGE. In other words, it’s a distraction – just like ‘keep your head down’ or ‘fire your hips’. They represent useless junk-think feeding distracting ‘Expert’ smart-speak. So, enough with the smart-speak, people.

Just concentrate on why we do anything. Why are our ideas important to our human condition? Why did we study the data and measure the coefficient of friction in the first place? And, oh, by the way – why did that last 4-iron shot not please me as much as the prior?

Sorry. Had to vent. In conclusion, allow me to make a suggestion. If the ‘expert’ you’re listening to doesn’t at least touch on ‘why’ their subjective explanation is actively, foundationally important to goal achievement or adapting to circumstance, turn them off. Walk out. …I’d hate for anyone to get dumber for listening to them.

For another example, we know what we put in our bodies determines our health. That also includes information fed to our brains. If we take in junk, we weaken our body. Diet in food and information is proof of disease or health. Consequently, the days of discussing literal and metaphorical ‘treatments’ as ‘cures’ are over. Proof requires objectivity and success without exception.

I’m going to write another piece real quick about Method Golf Instruction. See you in a bit.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

How Our Ego Affects Our Thinking and Learning

Weakness Gives Birth To Ambition

No Amount of Ambition Can Make Up For a Lack of Knowledge