I’m laughing as I write, Repaint! And thin no Morikawa. I always remember the punchline of a joke an old pastor told at our church. “Repaint! And thin no more”. Therefore, I had a short leap to including Colli Mo here. Furthermore, I’m reminded of interesting mixed symbol phrases/tests emails where our brains replace weird symbols with shape specific letters to allow deciphering. Although we hear the wrong words, we understand the meaning.
For example, during my 36-hole Valspar Championship Pro-Am, I talked golf swing with the players. My role as PGA Ambassador is flexible. Therefore, I took an opportunity to bring truth to my groups, who were unanimously steep with thin contact. Though my message is undeniably brief and as broad as a stroke can be, I made my players understand THEY were in control of their improvement now that they had their remedy.

The COO, Heidi, allowed me to cure her struggle with a set-up tweak. Once again in thirty seconds, I imitated her feet and shoulders (Closed and Open) at address. Then, I asked her to reverse that arrangement (Feet Open, shoulders closed to them). Not only did she immediately improve but was celebrated for the rest of her round! She went from thin heel shanks to the heavens and from 5-120-yard drives to over 200. She hit her drive on #7 (Our 16th) 178 yards uphill and into the wind! I estimate her drive was equivalent to 215-220 yards normalized.
My man, Andrew played his wicked pull-slice like my man Wole had at the Palmer. I went over the Physics of impact with Andrew for one minute, and he did the rest. Consequently, his shots immediately improved. He started hitting it hard and straight, like Wole. We were all thrilled. He was cheered. We were all smiling for the rest of the round.
The CEO was great. What a gentleman! Gifted with a BEAUTIFUL putting stroke, John started very well. However, while my attention was on Andrew and Heidi, I lost his window of receptivity. I mentioned it on the second nine, but too late to save his round. Which is a shame, because he hit his first ball about 300yds on #10. I imagine the pressure of hosting the week took its toll on his game.
My afternoon group needed less preaching. Three gentlemen were experienced players. However, P-Ditty (Skeptisaurus Ditty) was not an experienced player. And, when I started asking my question, Ditty didn’t want to hear it. After “15 years away from golf and recent GolfTec lessons” in his head, he didn’t have his ears on. Fortunately, I always bring a pair to share.
Obviously under pressure, P-Dit was an aim left, pull-cutter’s pull-cutter. I caught up to him on 14 (Our fifth) after an unfortunate series of events. I asked P-Skept if he knew the physics of impact with clubface and path. While looking skyward (Eye-roll), he said “no, my GolfTec instructor said blather, bunk, and BS and my X excuse and my Y excuse” is why my ears don’t work.

My first instinct was to allow his resistant struggle, but the desperation in his face kept me after him. After a condensed, impatient-man-explanation, my pitch concluded. Obviously, the next time I spoke, he’d be a listener or a talker.
He became a listener. After his next shot, P-Ditty asked for me to repeat my ‘hurried’ talk. Then, Ditty began processing our exchange. THE NEXT SWING, P-Dit hit his first solid straight shot. From there on, Ditty’s golf guru was not the one hiding behind a golf simulator and computer in a Dallas high-rise. P-D’s main man was walking it with him. Needless to say, Big Ditty took charge of his own improvement and lost his excuses. The only concern that made the entire loop was, “I just need soo much practice” … My Man.
My own experience with the Valspar folks was ideal. They are salt-of-the-Earth people and deserve worlds of success, so go out and buy some Made-in-America Sherwin-Williams and Valspar products. Incidentally, I have no dog in that hunt. Oh, and remember to Open your Stance like Colli Mo. Maybe then you will redeem yourself back on-course for golfing salvation after you Repaint! And thin no Morikawa.
John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy