Our Frame May Change, But The Plane Does Not

Our frame may change, but the plane does not. Every useful golf swing touches the plane at impact. Even if we barely graze the ball with the toe of our club, the plane is in charge. Once we realize that WE have to cooperate with our PLANE, setting up to our golf ball takes on a new meaning.

Readers frequently ask why how an Open Stance can guarantee better impact and longer shots. I tell them, because an Open Stance makes cooperating efficiently with our target plane easier. All of the most-repeatable swing structures and thus, movement, emerge within the Open Stance – target plane dance.

The structure in couples dancing has the man providing the frame, and the woman creating the flow. The Open Stance is our “Man”. Our motion is our “Lady”. Done well, its a thing of beauty. It responds to any terrain tune and wind waltz with aplomb.

Done badly, we can ALWAYS blame the “Man”. When we neglect precision in our set-up frame for our golf swing flow, we throw a monkey-wrench into our proceedings. William, Rocco, and most everyone who contacts me has their “Man” down pat. Kudos, folks!

If we neglect our frame, we lose our control group – that which can never change – that which all others are measured against. Of course, the easiest way to ensure a religious adherence to set-up precision is to develop a ceremony of your own to make getting set easier. Your routine will provide the music for your frame and flow.

Best Wishes,

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy




The Frame and Flow

The Open Stance, Shaping Your Shot, and Lower Scores

The Open Stance, shaping your shot, and lower scores is the progression. Intention, philosophy, and feedback is the vehicle. And athleticism, instinct, and repetition are the passengers. Will is the driver.

Golfers seem quick to forget that it took time to lose their swings. Over the course of months or years, our swing is like a Macy’s Balloon – ready to exploit the least attentive tetherer. One session of distraction leads to more of the same. Then it’s chaos.

Deliberation at address separates elite golfers from the rest. This is an absolute truth. Professionals have a religious ceremony at address that carries them into their swing. You’ve heard about how important having “a routine” is. It’s not for nothing.

We get hung up on motion as if movement is all a golf swing is. That is bass-ackward thinking. Our set-up CAUSES movement as specific as our attention to our set-up. Therefore, we need PATTERNS to interpret in order to refine our result. Moreover, there is NO WAY to develop a constructive practice regimen WITHOUT isolating and understanding how to interpret shot patterns.

However, if we expend our mental resources adhering to an INTENTIONAL set-up philosophy we will, at a minimum, be able to define our patterns. Then, we’ll find out, unless we like them, how to remediate any adverse results. Our result is lower scores and an ability to shape our shots.

The world of golf needs to stop listening to motion-brokers, and get focus on the set-up sages. The days of subjectivity, creating clients, distracting from knowledge, and smoke-and-mirrors are over. Only those contributing to real knowledge will pass now. It’s not my fault that I am the only one now. But, take heart. There will be more.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

https://www.openstanceacademy.com/golf/in-a-world-of-motion-sensors-one-idea-stands-out-open-stance/ https://www.openstanceacademy.com/golf/percentage-golf-with-an-open-stance/

How Will Golf Survive Without The PGA Tour?

How will golf survive without the PGA Tour? How can people enjoy golf without hearing about rankings and money winning!? What will we do without the latest golf news about the ABC, Elite-Only Invitational at The International Inaccessible Golf Club? Oh my God! How will we survive!?

I think we’ll survive by enjoying the game instead of the glamour, the walk instead of the talk, and the self instead of the social. The door just opened to an alternative golfing reality – one where we are allowed to dream a smaller dream… a reachable reality.

Imagine slowly opening your trunk, slowly lifting your bag out while listening to the clack of club heads as they negotiate their potential in your round. Now, imagine walking very slowly to the practice tee… the puttin’ green.. the first tee. Imagine having the golf course to yourself at 10:00am, and enjoying a morning walk down the first fairway with a banana and a coke.

How great would it be to methodically set your bag down, positioning your coke and nanner out of harm’s way, looking back to see no one on the tee, then up into a clear blue sky? Mull over your club choice and make it. Imagine Lee the Flea as you set up Open. Then move with the grace of Jones as you flush down through your ball.

How will golf survive? Like this.

That’s golf.

Open your stance, and play.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy


Set-Up With Motion vs. Motion With Drills

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Set-Up With Motion vs. Motion With Drills

Recently, I’ve been discussing the difference between my teaching and instruction everywhere else, and I came up with this…. I teach set-up, and use motion to help people adapt. Instructors around the world tell people how to move, and use drills to cultivate their desired motion.

To me motion is incidental. Philosophy is primary, because philosophy reveals intention and need. My goal is to empower every golfer to pursue their own, unique solution to an Open Stance. And, no matter what level the golfer, all people are athletic and pursue their solution logically when attached to their sensory systems.

Interestingly, I only recommend an Open Stance to break inefficient swing habits. However, not one self-healer ever turned away from the one, proven best set-up orientation to a square or closed, swing-breaking set-up. Why do you suppose that is? Additionally, why keep it to yourself?

There IS no failure from an Open Stance when balance, leading arm extension, weight shift, plane adherence, and square club face are in tow. Isn’t that wonderful? To know you cannot fail to reach your ball-striking goal via an objective, left-brained solution is unheard of! No more achieving motion with drills!

The Open Stance saves our golfing bodies, creates a flatter swing, more lag, less rotation, equal power, more shaft-lean, distance, and satisfaction with no major swing change! I don’t mandate ANY swing change. I give options to my students and go over the requirements to achieve any given choice of motion-solution. They choose.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

Refer any question to my book.

Sponges Are Indiscriminate
Our Pretending Is Ending
This Is Why Gurbaaz Mann Is The World’s Best Club-Fitter

Technology Will, Finally, Destroy The Golf Instruction Industry

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Technology will, finally, destroy the golf instruction industry. FlightScope, Trackman, Top Tracer, and Pro Tracer are the four technology horsemen of our golf instruction Apocalypse. Thanks to data, interpreters are no longer needed. Centered impacts are self-realizing with a little technology alone time and some deductive reasoning. Golfers can change their numbers by changing their movement – formerly the domain of instruction’s puppet-masters.

Fortunately for instructors, destructive technologies are still cost-prohibitive for the average golfer. Therefore, their only option is to pay instructors for use of their machines. I think it’s funny because most of these knuckleheads will assume students are booking to hear their special insights. Lol!

Club-fitters, like my friend Gurbaaz, are actually the greatest beneficiaries of our aforementioned technologies. Their craft is immediately verified by ball-flight tech. assuming centered impacts. Shaft changes are faster. Good impact numbers, then, change with our shaft choice.

Some data is more important than other. Let me run down the most important numbers to help speed your Open Stance efficiency. Of course, your Open Stance is the overriding set-up assumption.

Path, Smash, Club-head Speed, Shot Height, and Carry Distance – in that order. Optimizing these five metrics alone will replace any drill seargent, movement guru, or artful dodger dazzling you with a clever explanation of throwing a bucket of water, bumping the wall, or exiting left. LOL. That one still kills me!

I just bought a FlightScope for my own business, and it immediately verifies my teaching’s every assertion. My golfers are willing to take much larger risks and move more uncomfortably, of their own volition, just to see how the numbers change. Consequently, they don’t get bogged down with self-loathing due to inefficient swings.

My new technological investment has turned refining our golf swings into a game within a game. Hence, making the smaller changes I suggest seem moderate, by comparison. While the number-crunching happens within the technology, my students and I anticipate and speculate on my top five metrics in their swings.

Their engagement and attention is nothing short of focused and rapt. Therefore, our time is an exercise in intuition, feedback, and connecting dots. Technological feedback is impossible for instructors to circumvent, surmount with word-pictures or drills, or even understand. Now, I’ll quote Ferris….

If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up. It is so choice.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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Rory Does It Tooooooooooo!

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One of my distant readers and supporters, John Dunn, sent me this video with the words, “Rory Does It Tooooooooooo!” Of course we are always talking about an Open Stance. The following video illustrates the philosophy in the words of World #1, Rory McIlroy.

Rory does it tooooooooooo!

Thanks, John. This is a great video for another reason, as well. Rory also talks about the adaptive process of improvement and the discomfort that always accompanies change. However, what steadies him while playing in the French Open, during an uncomfortable grip change, is the belief that his ultimate objective – improvement – will come.

Knowing… KNOWING the changes you make will make you better should be enough to sustain us through improvement’s discomfort phase. With enough experience to know we will always adapt perfectly to any stimuli change, we go through the process of fulfilling our intention. We need only doggedly pursue the example of experts like John Wright and Rory McIlroy.

Believe it. You don’t have to worry. With an Open Stance, your ultimate, ball-striking success is guaranteed. My only question is, at what point will you believe history’s immortal golf lesson? And, if not from me, from whom? This is the tip of the iceberg to golf instruction’s Titanic. Wouldn’t it be better to not be on the boat when it goes down?

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

If Your Golf Swing is Complicating Your Life, Try Couples Therapy

Patrick Cantlay Won The Memorial From an Open Stance

Lee Trevino Recommends a Flatter Swing

Separate Your Swing Thoughts Into Two Thought Boxes

We can hold more than one thought when working on our golf swings. However, almost ALL instructors believe we can only handle one at a time. Well, they’re wrong, and I can prove it. Hence, my suggestion is to separate your swing thoughts into two thought boxes.

We may only be able to convert one thought into motion at a time, but motion is not the sum total of our golf swing. In fact, MOST of our golf swing is due entirely to athletic adaptive response to stimulus. Stimulus is communication from our brain to our body about our situation and our intention.

We create our own stimulus by setting-up to our ball. If we set up intentionally, we develop mitigating or optimizing movement – however you like to think of it – to reach our objectives. Of course, creating our own stimulus means that the movement in our golf swing is quite incidental.

Our ability to click all of our intentional, set-up tumblers into place before we ready our movement speaks to human genius. We can easily think about setting our feet, hips, shoulders, ball position, grip before we ever physically move. Well, that’s five swing thoughts right there! I know a few people who have ten items on their set-up checklist. Conveniently, however, all set-up tumblers occupy only one intellectual space. Set-up, therefore, is one of our golf swing, thought boxes.

Movement has its own box, too. But, movement is where instructors live. I do not live there, so I feel no need to rehash it – except to make fun of it. “Do what I tell you to do, and practice it with much conviction. If you don’t practice and get better, I won’t tell you what to do anymore.”

Oh, jeez… call the cops! They’re gonna stop giving me worthless drills and clever analogies instead of knowledge! What am I gonna doooo!?

Here’s what you do…

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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“The Ancestor of Every Action Is a Thought”

Billy Ho Is Setting Up Open, But Nobody Will Say The Word!

Our Pretending Is Ending

Billy Ho Is Setting Up Open, But Nobody Will Say The Word!

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Commentators this week explained the work Billy Horschel did this week with his coach, Todd Anderson, during their second-round broadcast of the Phoenix Open. Talking heads said Billy is “Aiming more to the left”. So, I thought, “Billy Ho is setting up OPEN, but nobody can say the word!” What is going on here?!

Billy Herschel is setting up Open, but nobody will say the word! 2:44 min.

The Open Stance has essentially become synonymous with low scores on tour. For example, Brooks Koepka hit fairway after fairway in shooting 63-65 in the first two rounds of the 2019 PGA. Then, he squared-up, missed over half his fairways and shot 70, 73 in the final two rounds. He still won. However, Brooksie inadvertently opened himself up to my analysis.

Patrick Reed closed his stance after his Open Stance Masters victory. Then, Pat disappeared for a year and a half until his recent hot putting streak. And, lastly, Ricky Fowler closed up from open, to square, to closed this week. Rick hit his driver everywhere in the desert and missed the cut in Phoenix, where he ususally thrives.

I’ve got to give Anderson credit. At least he is smart enough to recognize that great ball-strikers all set up Open. As a result, he got Billy back in a groove – at a minimum. Ultimately, Billy Horschel HAS started setting up Open… and with his putting, too! Therefore, what’s the problem with saying Open or Open Stance?

Is an Open Stance a mystery? Is setting up Open taboo? Or, is just saying the words Open, Open Stance, or Open Stance set-up taboo? Does my ownership of the space keep them from using the term? I hope not. In fact, I’ll issue the following disclaimer.

Ladies and Gentlemen of PGA, LPGA, and PGA of America and affiliates, I promise I will not litigate for using the word Open, Open Stance, or Open Stance Set-Up, provided you mention the world’s foremost expert in its application, John Wright. Go for it! – J. Wright

Furthermore, You can reach me in Virginia for interviews, public debates, or roundtables. Best Wishes.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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Clubs Too Upright Are Your Swing’s Dynamite

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If you’ve never considered how club-fitting can adversely affect your golf swing, you need to pay close attention here. You need to be fit by Gurbaaz Mann, Mr. Miura, or a couple others I cannot recall. Why? Because clubs too upright are your swing’s dynamite. That’s why. Nothing will blow up your game like mis-fit clubs.

I had a session yesterday to one of our amazing, handicapped military veterans from Oregon, named William. William and I discussed his swing from beginning to current, talked about his clubs, and his dedication to improving from his 9.5 handicap index… pretty impressive considering he lost both his legs in battle.

William has utilized an Open Stance for years, and was missing in a direction we cannot miss if we seek lower scores. His miss is a viscious pull-hook with his current club set-up. Therefore, we agreed to consider flattening his lie-angle at least a degree – for starters. My suggestion was for more than that.

His clubs were fit to him 1.5 inches long, so his 2 degrees upright was even more drastic. The club-fitter put him in 60g, steel fiber graphite. which makes sense considering toe droop. However, it makes absolutely NO sense when considering his golf swing. His club set-up, as William suspected, needs tweaking.

My man swings his driver over 100 MPH! WIlliam was already considering 110g steel. I agreed that would be more stable at impact, and he can certainly handle the weight. However, my concern is almost always lie angle.

When we swing an upright club, our subconscious mind goes to work to make it go straight. That’s the problem. The swing needed to accomplish that task is not conducive to either control or consistency… maybe that’s the same for most people, but not me.

We can create our golf swing without having control over it. For example, to me control means musculo-skeletal coordination and cooperation of power-generating body parts. Therefore, my view is that we can, consistently, lack control.

Consistency is different because we must create efficient structures within our swing to repeat motion. Therefore, I suggest “consistency” delivering the clubhead into the ball exactly every time. Solid contact is incidental to consistency, in my book. I can always move the ball around to meet an efficient golf swing.

Efficient golf swings always include the trailing elbow structure inside the trailing hip – ALWAYS. If you’ve read my book, The Open Stance and Three Short Game Lessons, you know why. William has crafted his swing like the rest of us. He adapted to his clubs. However, now that his good swings are hitting pull-hooks, we need to change his club set-up before his good swings are replaced by others.


It was a great honor to meet you. I can’t tell you how much selfless patriots like you mean to me and many other grateful Americans, but I, personally, am permanently in your debt. Call anytime. My time is yours.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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This Is Why Gurbaaz Mann Is The World’s Best Club-Fitter

“Top 100 Clubfitters” List Left The Best One Out

Winter Is What Separates Achievers From Under-Achievers

How Our Ego Affects Our Thinking and Learning

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I just had a conversation about, in base terms, how our ego affects our learning. Discussing recent Australian wildfires with colleagues led to how we humans believe we control the Earth. In our discussioon, we concluded the Earth, left alone, would always heal itself. But, I was left questioning how our Ego affects our thinking and learning.

I looked up Ego quotes, and found a good one. I have never heard of Terence McKenna. However, he is quoted as having said,

“Chaos is what we’ve lost touch with. This is why it is given a bad name. It is feared by the dominant archetype of our world, which is Ego, which clenches because its existence is defined in terms of control.”

Terence’s insight drew in what happens whether we are engaged or not. I think our ego just wants credit for nature’s ways of healing our planet. Hence, we get to feel like we have control over our lives. Feeling in-control makes separating ourselves from others easier. Consequently, we more easily eschew all kinds of insights from others, thereby summarily destroying our planetary community.

Furthermore, we shut down discussion of anything not centered on our own opinions and beliefs. Therefore, arriving at objective truths about anything is impossible. As a result, we retard our learning by allowing our Ego to reframe our situation so we feel insulated against chaos. People then revert to base instinct where only subjectivity rules. Moreover, our Egos tell us we are the exception to the rule. That way, necessary change is less scary.

Wildfires in Australia have occurred forever. They start, they burn everything they touch, and they burn out. Only humans irrationally think that we are integral to that process and chaos should not happen. The driest climate in the civilized world and fires should not occur there? Is that right? Hmm.

The Earth (Truth) is the only self-regulating system ever conceived, and only our Ego says differently. Fires create smoke that provide material for thunderstorms. Thunderstorms cool the Earth, etc. Likewise, the Open Stance is the only self-regulating set-up philosophy ever conceived, and only our Ego says differently.

In summation, when you think about changing, realize the changed you is ALWAYS an improved you. Allow time for change to change you, and success will follow. Be open … to your swing change. Open your mind and heart.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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A Lie Can Travel Half Way Around The World While The Truth Is Still Putting On Its Shoes.

Attitude is a Conditioned Response

The Biggest Problem With The Open Stance Message?