The Psychology of Open Stance golfers is different, to say the least, from all others – but in a good way. For those just joining the conversation, this blog/website is home to enlightened reasoning. We are the ambassadors of golf instruction’s ending if you agree with my logic.
My Cambridge-based psychologist friend/student assured me years ago that my perceptions and diagnoses of her anonymous cases are “very insightful”. Therefore, I ask you all give me some rope here. My intended point is to discriminate. Furthermore, I believe discrimination is due to make a YUGE comeback in years to come. It is VERY necessary. Discriminating ideas feeds critical thinking – ALSO due for a comeback.
Every human endeavor has a psychological component. Psychology is a part of every process because it follows Intention and precedes Mathematics on the curve of knowable truth. Although I cannot locate my graph at present, it is in my book, The Open Stance and Three Short Game Lessons. I extrapolated the graph included in Stephen Arroyo’s Person to Person Astrology. Do not think psychology and astrology are mutually exclusive. They are very different but cooperative disciplines within any complete process of discovery.
Psychology is the terminus of generalized explanation of esoteric processes beginning at our inexplicable Novel and Lyric. Psychology pulls from Anthropological research, and acts as a bridge to measured explanations of human differences found in individuals’ Astrological charting. Each more knowable truth either proves or disproves less-knowable truths. By this measure I will attempt to explain the psychology of Open Stance golfers.
Employing an Open Stance means we trust our ability to discriminate messaging between public sources of information. Open Stance golfers are un-“sellable”. No one can paw at or romance them into buying anything. They are self-contained, self-driven units. They believe, intrinsically, that we have all the intelligence and adaptability needed to make new ideas work. By the way, they also know the difference between an idea and a suggestion.
Ideas present to us a blank canvas. Suggestion seeks to bias our decision-making like my Velvet Elvis paint-by-numbers kit. Bias, in our ball-striking process, means manipulate. Open Stance golfers are beyond manipulation by suggestion. We like to make sense of WHY to do something before we invest our time. When we pursue our individual “WHY”, we seek to test our entire inquisition of Who, What, When Where, and How. Our pursuit is more akin to intellectual honesty than chasing suggestions.
Then what may we infer about our psychology? I will separate us from first person to make it less urgent. I do not want to cause a fuss, after all. When doing what they’re told no longer appeals, they solve problems themselves. But, not without help. Consider the following facets of their process of improvement.
Their help has to be open to individual interpretation and innovation. Each example must be unique per individual. Otherwise, empowerment runs into resistance. Therefore, they look toward their subconscious or unconscious mind for answers. As a result, Open Stance golfers source information closer to the beginning of their universal adaptive process than numbers or even psychology can measure or record.
Open Stance scholars gathered here are never told how to move and are never given drills. Movement options must cooperate with their preceding intent and motivational need. Common to all human endeavors is the neutralizing nature of foundation, framework, and order. One cannot exist without the other. In building their own golf swings, Open Stance golfers only require set-up, mental and physical adaptation, application of motion, and feedback. They make incremental change rooted in one set-up philosophy.
Each expression of athletic adaptation occurs within a constant control group of foundation, framework, and order. Open Stance golfers are logical and focused on achieving understanding rather than just ‘difference’. Therefore, they judge their results from a mental, physical, and psychological point of view. OS golfers use psychology to endure the struggle of lasting change. They master their minds. Conversely, those who chase fixes seek to ease the psychology of change. They are subject to their minds.
More to come.
John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy