One of my students – Jay, from San Diego, okayed my posting of how he is cultivating commitment.
“Hey John,
I was reading from the book I love ‘Comfortable with Uncertainty’ by Pema Chodron. Meditation Number 87 is entitled Commitment. These passages had me reflecting on my experience with OSG.
” You can hear the dharma from many different places, but you are uncommitted until you encounter a particularway that rings true in your heart and you decide to follow it.In order to go deeper, there has to be a wholehearted commitment.You begin the warrior’s journey when you choose one path and stick to it.”
These words are so true when I think about all the differentswing temptations that confront all golfers. I am committed to the OSG warrior’s journey.
Golfers around the world,
These are the connections I want to make to the larger world of potentiality. Jay hit on exactly that which is required of us to achieve our goals. We have to see a path (Need), choose (Intention), walk it (Religion), evaluate (Anthropology), test our path (Psychology), and tweak it in the ether (Astrology to Mathematics). We have to find our own way to cultivate commitment to our unique goals.
Our goal doesn’t change. We change. Inspiration, discipline, focused work, and experimentation on a theme yield marvelous results in all areas of a life pursuing a goal. The added benefit of it all is engagement, which I leads to achievement. And, finally – happiness.
The Open Stance is not my invention. My websites and writings about what really makes it better is. It just so happens that I’m the only golf professional on Earth who knows why. Soon, you’ll hear of others. Word is getting out. Pay close attention to prominent players on the PGA Tour who struggle. You’ll notice a common solution.
John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy
Add Intention To Your Practice