When You Change Your Movement, You Change Your Ball Position

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When You Change Your Movement, You Change Your Ball Position: The Interview

K: I just watched a video of Hank Haney.

JW: Yeah? How’d that go for ya?

K: I thought it was good. But, I have some questions.


K: He went through the rule of threes, which was understood. He talked about ball flight with path and clubface combinations, which was understood. In fact, everything he said – I understood.

JW: That doesn’t seem to leave you much room for wondering, does it?

K: I’m getting to that. I realized I understood all that because I already knew it. So, my questions started to form. Then, I started listening for any reference to set-up, the feet, and how set-up affects the swing. He didn’t mention any of that.

JW: Sure. Let me guess…. he just talked about motion.

K: YEAH! That’s exactly what he talked about!

JW: And, you were surprised?

K: Well, I’ll get to my questions. First, why do you think he didn’t discuss set-up?

JW: Because Haney is from the old school of instruction, most likely. That means he may not have ever considered the human, adaptive element in a golf swing. I don’t think old-school instructors mislead people on purpose. They just learned that keeping it simple made it easier to work less and make more.

K: And, you don’t agree with that philosophy?

JW: HA! You managed to crack my code. Naw, it just strikes me as a half-assed approach to making a living as an expert on the golf swing.

K: You always talk about the influence of the set-up on the swing. What could Haney have covered in his movement clinic?

JW: Well, if he talks about changing movement without talking set-up orientation, he should talk about the way the ball changes relative position with different club paths. But that would, most likely, lead to audience questions about set-up. Maybe he couldn’t risk it.

K: Maybe. He does seems to know some Physics and measurement of ball flight and swing principles, though. And, he was engaging. Is that enough to be known as a great golf instructor these days?

JW: It’s is for he, Ledbetter, McLean, Breed and those guys. But, my personality isn’t as palatable as theirs. I think of them as entertainers. My personality is more of an acquired taste. Therefore, I have to teach with knowledge instead of instruct with personality.

K: I can see that.

JW: (With a laugh) Geez, thanks a lot. No, I’d guess I’m a little more serious… thoughtful, maybe.

K: No, I really mean to compliment your hard work. You’re the only true teacher I know, and perhaps the only teacher who knows the inter-disciplinary progression of the golf swing. My game is testament to your work. I know for the rest of my life, I’ll never set up anything but open.

JW: Nor should you.

The Open Stance Academy

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Is The Treadmill Keeping You From Moving Forward?

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Have you been dissatisfied with your “Progress” in golf? Maybe, you have been wasting time working on movement. Movement-focused learning creates a viscous cycle that really leads to nothing except the next fix. It’s a treadmill. Movement is taught by every player in the published instruction game. Therefore, I ask, is the treadmill is keeping you from moving forward?

Anyone reading my opinions on the “Teaching” industry knows that I suggest no real knowledge has reached students. That would be impossible, from my point of view. Because, teaching is transferring knowledge that enables freedom. Also, real knowledge underpins everything in student self-development. Therefore, I use “Instruction” as a derogatory, but descriptive term for old-school, golf swing practitioners.

Taking golf instruction essentially means you are, effectively, buying a bill of goods. My purpose is not to call individuals out. Rather, I seek to educate golfers about my definitions for instruction and teaching. Instruction is about How and What, teaching is about Why. Instruction is cleverness disguised as knowledge. Teaching is naked and wise. And, teaching is much more difficult to master, because you have to be fluent with an entire continuum of causal relationships.

People think they are getting “Why” answers – just because their instructor tells them so. Therefore, I feel te need to isolate misleading messages by showing that set-up determines swing. For instance, my followers know how quickly improvement comes by employing an Open Stance set-up. We have acknowledged the greatest ball-strikers of all time use an Open Stance. Why, then, doesn’t everyone use an Open Stance? My answer is, because each of us wakes up at a different time.

I’ve known many instructors eager to call the Open Stance a “Method”. Unfortunately, these sad peeps have difficulty discriminating between teaching and instructing. We know “methods” (A-Frame, Stack-n-Tilt, et.al.) promote one movement for all golfers without regard for set-up. Teaching, on the other hand, provides context and tools for answering our own swing questions. Instructing gives answers without context. As a result, the student’s only option is to return to the beginning… again.

My students/applicants will never have to return to the treadmill. Therefore, my advice to you is, “Step off the instruction treadmill. Open your stance and play golf.”

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

I Just Got Off The Phone With The World’s Best Clubfitter – Gurbazz Mann

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I just got off the phone with the world’s best clubfitter – Gurbazz Mann. A good young golfer and his father just left me. But, before they did, they sold me on their Fitting Guru, Gurbazz. They raved about his fitting philosophy and cited his documented results with Tour Professionals and elderly alike. Whether it is Shubankar Sharma or Mrs. Havacamp, “he is on another level”, they said.

Naturally, I couldn’t wait to speak with him so I called him after decent people go to bed. He is busy at Shinnecock Hills this week, but he answered anyway. I introduced myself, and we got into it. From my first question, he was fluent. Articulate about all things golf club, he assured me my suspicion about modern clubfitting was correct. However, he was also diplomatic enough to agree that most clubfitters ask the wrong questions or make the wrong assumptions of the components and how they are measured.

I found that I was not alone in my quest for truth in golf. My story of Grasshopper and her Callaway irons was my nod to his study. Some hack clubfitter put a 5’1” woman into regular-length clubs that were 3 degrees upright. Hence, she developed a casting motion that became a literal pain in her neck and shoulders. Therefore, I insisted she buy new clubs two degrees flat before we began working together. After months of adaptation, her ball striking was better and her pain was gone. Gurbazz said, “of course.”

We talked for thirty minutes about torque and high modulus graphite, and errant assumptions made in introducing it. We agreed clubfitting should not attempt to fix a swing error, and a swing should never adapt to a poorly-fit club. Suffice it to say that this man, Gurbazz Mann, is next-level.

I’m trying to contain my enthusiasm for his brainpower. I mean he is a bonifide GENIUS. He doesn’t think like a clubfitter. He is the Stephen Hawking of clubfitters. If you are ever within 250 miles of Columbus Ohio, see him. If you are ever in India, see him. Gurbazz’s knowledge and what he can do for your club needs are OFF. THE. CHARTS. In conclusion, I am thoroughly impressed. I’m going to set up an appointment ASAP. Thanks for your time, G-Mann.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

Paul Azinger Won With an Open Stance, Too

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Paul Azinger or, Zinger, won eleven times on the PGA Tour between Jan. ‘87 – August ‘93. He was just reaching his peak in 1993 after winning the PGA Championship. Zinger stopped playing actively after being diagnosed with cancer. However, upon recovery, he won once more (2000), and retired from active competition soon after.

Always known as a great ball-striker and fairly long hitter, Paul won using an Open Stance set-up and a flat swing. Like so many other great champions, he realized, athletically, the Open Stance requires nothing but a specific intention with a golf ball. However, that cannot be said for any other set-up.

Paul’s winning clip suggests he could have won twelve more times in the years he was inactive. Twenty-plus wins puts Paul in some impressive historical company. In fact, Zinger would be in the Top 30 of all time! Hence, his is a pretty impressive record.

When you watch the following video, look at his feet. Notice the uniqueness in his motion. Compare it to Sergio, Bubba, Ricky, Jack, Lee, Leaky, Freddie, et.al. Two things connect all these greats… a specific intention and an Open Stance. In conclusion, open you’re stance and find your swing.

The Open Stance Academy

Bryson DeChambeau: Another Champion Wins With an Open Stance

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Bryson DeChambeau: Another Champion Wins With an Open Stance

Golf fans may have noticed that the 2018 Memorial Tournament Champion uses an Open Stance. As the list of OS Champions gets longer, you will start to hear about it. Keep an eye out for more students in the winners circle in coming months. In the mean time, observe Bryson’s feet orientation to the fairway from the Pebble Beach Invitational and Shriner’s Invitational.

Bryson DeChambeau Stands Open

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“Stress” and It’s “Types” Are Fear-Based Definitions

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“Stress” and It’s “Types” Are Fear-Based Definitions. Stress, eustress, distress, et.al. are all enabling shortcuts. Social psychologists slap inflammatory labels on simple conditions to patronize people. Clinical psychologists call “Stress”, “generalized disinhibition”. Stress and disinhibition are definitions separated by implications.

Embued with similar, negative, emotional components, “Stress” is synonymous with fear. We are allowed to rationalize our feelings without having to understand them. Simply by saying “I’m stressed”, we imply that we have no say over our condition. Hence, enabling definitions maintain our confusion.

You may have employed the motivational axiom, “Face your fears” without realizing “FYF” is an adversarial barb into our subconscious. “Fear” is promoted as our antagonist. “Face Your Fears” has supplanted humanity’s more inspirational, positive message, “Embrace the unknown”.

“Stress” also causes us to blame our system or situations implicitly for “stressing me out”, as if our situation has an intention. “Stress” describes an adversarial relationship between man and nature. For example, stress as enabling oppressor – e.g. an over-protective mother. In any case, blaming our feelings on a disembodied system is ludicrous. Therefore, we have to acknowledge that “Stress” is a term used by social psychologists and not by data-driven, clinical scientists.

Clinical Psychology’s “Disinhibition”, on the other hand, describes an openness to any potential outcome and requisite actions. Simply stated, we exhibit a ‘keeping-our-options-open’ condition. Our system is not central to our clinical condition, but rather a sounding board for internal dialogue.

Certainly, there are both material and immaterial uncertainties we turn into life and death scenarios. But, ours is an individual problem, not a systemic problem. Overcoming our fear-based, “Stressed” condition gets easier if we find ways to understand disinhibition as a completely natural openness to uncertain outcomes.

Changing our way of doing things, for instance, creates an opportunity for learning disinhibition as an empowering condition. It is a process, like anything else. We are conditioned from birth either to fear or embrace the unknown. We don’t have to worry about which conditioning we received. Just understand that embracing change or fearing change is, essentially, a choice.

I’d like to offer the Open Stance as a golf swing cure. However, initiating the process of adaptation necessitates disinhibition until you shed inefficient movement patterns. Obviously, I assume my audience is highly intelligent. Therefore, I’ll close by saying, be “Disinhibited” to the Open Stance’s curative unknown.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

The Biggest Problem With The Open Stance Message?

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Today, I’m writing my first interview with The Open Stance Academy’s Founder, John Wright. The questions revolve around issues that appear when adapting to an Open Stance. I opened by asking John one general question to open up our conversation. “What is the biggest problem with the Open Stance message?”

JW: Hi, Kendall. Yeah, good question. I like to think in terms of what is beneath the surface in most golfers. There is a psychological factor at work, which I believe is a basic fear of change. That’s the general problem. It is also the biggest illusion in golf.

K: What do you mean by illusion?

JW: It’s a mental trick we play on ourselves. Every time we go to the range or course we are adapting… changing, whether we know it or not. Less advanced players spend more time adapting than practicing. Constant, unintentional changes are occuring with these folks at all times, even though they rarely notice. It is like the frog-in-the-pot of water analogy.

K: Please explain that.

JW: Sure. A frog in a pot of water begins to boil on a stove. At first the frog is not uncomfortable. Soon, the water has heated up to the point of discomfort. But, the frog doesn’t interpret the discomfort as anything to worry about. He just keeps rationalizing his fate. By the time he has made the connection that he screwed himself by staying in a bad situation, he’s cooked.

K: Graphic.

JW: Ha. Yeah… a bit. But, it’s message is true. Too often, we fail to recognize the danger in things that we do involuntarily. We fail at intention, so we express no purpose – only comfortable discomfort. When you hear someone say, “I know my swing” or “That doesn’t work for me.”, it’s a pretty good bet they have comfortable discomfort. They are in the pot and the heat is on. It’s just too much effort for them to jump out and save themselves. I guess, maybe, apathy is the word for golfers.

K: Apathy? How can that be? They are playing golf? How can someone playing golf be apathetic about golf?

JW: It happens. Our problems can distract us from our purpose. Without purpose, life cannot have meaning. Making things meaningless makes it easier to believe in nothing. Golf is just a metaphor. Some people don’t want golf to mean enough to draw their passions away from other areas of life. Some wallow in self-pity and use their golf game as a celise. For others, golf is life. They pursue it to make it better every day.

K: And your followers… which are they?

JW: Well, obviously they are not interested in suffering, so naturally I think they are the pursuers. Well, let me modify that slightly – they are the pioneers. They are the people who know that a better way exists and are willing leave past swing problems and ideas behind to walk an Open Stance path.

K: It seems like you’re talking about a major commitment. Isn’t that the highest hurdle?

JW: What some call a major commitment, others call a goal. The only commitment is to the goal. It is the seed of intention. The process happens, whether we notice or not. The process is also incidental once the intention is planted. The Open Stance philosophy is the soil.

K: Is there any other obstacle golfers should beware of in making a change to an Open Stance?

JW: Nothing outside of themselves. Every person has the power to dictate change to the universe. We can dictate a passivity that allows change to occur without our consciousness. That’s an option. We can shut down our brains and just submit to fate. Unfortunately, it is not conducive to improvement, but rather, enslavement. Improvement dictates that we choose our path. As a result, we choose to be responsible for the consequences we experience on the way to our goal.

K: Kind of existential, isn’t it?

JW: We’ll see.

K: Thanks for talking this morning.

JW: Thank you, Kendall.

-The Open Stance Academy

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