There is no causal link between muscularity and winning in golf. Tiger Woods kicked off the surgery brigade when he trained with Navy Seals and got buffed up. He was already the best, so the sheeple lined up to imitate their hero thinking, “Tiger is buffed-out. I must be buffed-out, too.” I’ll get HUGE like Tiger and start playing great golf. … No. Didn’t happen.
Our national handicap didn’t budge under the Tiger-inspired, weight-lifting period, under which we remain. The only result of all the muscle mass accumulated is back problems and knee surgeries… just. like. Eldrick. If mass equaled winning, where is El, Brooks, DJ, and the hulksters? They’re stronger than almost every professional golfer to this day. I will share the answer. Hulksters are riddled with knee, back, and thanks to cell phones – leg problems that make upper body mass useless.
Our current number one player in the world is a rail with a burgeoning belly. Rory wins without being dominant. Muscle size has nothing to do with winning. The only constant is grip strength. But this is not about what is constant, it’s about the deception. Narratives tricked us into hiring trainers, therapists, and coaches all promising a pot of gold. And, most golfers listened to them, without one of them able to play their way out of a paper bag.
We, once again, allowed ANOTHER industry to form and distract us from within the golf business. As Mark Twain said, “It’s easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been fooled”. Therefore, the deception is likely to continue for a while longer. Fools need time to rationalize their credulity, after all. Fools who have spent untold amounts of money on the dodge need even more time.
I don’t know why I’m the only one who seems to be aware of it. But it’s so predictable. I guess we need a hero to imulate. I’ll leave you with the following rankings from the top 20 golfers of all time. There’s not a mediocre putter among them.
In case that doesn’t do it for you, here are the top 20 of the past 25 years.
Quite a few bellies on that list, isn’t there? There’s not a mediocre putter among them, either, eh? How about a list of #1s? Speith and Thomas? Donald and Scheffler? Where is Koepka and Johnson? …Probably getting another knee surgery a piece. We exhibited an error of association. We see someone rise to the top, begin working out and getting “Stronger”, and assume the workout got them there, when it was always incidental to their luck chart and happiness cycle.
No one plays good golf if they are not happy. I know better than anyone. Believe me. No one achieves outside of a thick luck cycle, either. Tiger’s parents knew this was a legitimate cosmic tumbler. That’s why they took E to an astrologist after his birth – to see when to capitalize on his chart. Every parent should do the same. Only now it’s as easy as opening an astrology link to get the info without the travel. Earl knew how to tailor his training in a pursuit (Golf) that he himself could benefit from (Playing golf), that cultivated character, and that would serve to break racial barriers. In that, at least, Earl was a genius.
John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy
Harry Hall, etal.
“The Ancestor of Every Action Is a Thought”
Master’s Radio Thinks Speith and Thomas Have a Problem.