A Decent Docent Doesn’t

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A decent docent doesn’t deride divergent dynamics of different doers. Deciding to doggedly decry demanding dispositions describes a declination to dream of dissonant demands. Discussing dynamic, divergent demonstrations of dexterity definitely deals “drills” a disarming demise.

Teachers’ tours of topics traditionally takes two trails to test the truth. That tosses tons of testy “Truth”-tellers into tailspins. Two of twenty teachers tell their tutored tailgaters the total truth as told to them. Two in ten thousand take time to test theories tied to tactical truth.

Preeminent people purposefully present pedantic, pompous, pontificating, pretentious, pre-facto positions promoting a predetermined path of professional and personal proclivities. Per promoted proofs, perhaps personal prejudices point to present, problematic partialities that preclude prolonging possible positive pronouncements on power and precision. However, past, posted, position-pieces probably provide plenty of powder to purge preexisting predilections of any poo-pooers.

Meanwhile, many make major moves to mirror most modern motion mouthpieces in man’s media machinery.  Moreover, many more mar the message of men made to mediate marginal “master’s of movement”. More and more, machinations of matching and marrying multiple men/wo-men to maniacal, mechanical motion makes me maudlin.

I imagine idealistic, idiosyncratic individuals insist on innovation involving ideas and instruction. Insofar as I intuit insightfully, indoctrination into impromptu, instructional idealism implies an infantile intellectual imprimateur indecently initiated. In addition, inverting ideas and instruction to infer ingenious, insightful inroads into identifying initial imbalances is, inherently, idiotic.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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Why The Open Stance Controls Your Trailing Elbow

If Putting Wins, Why Worry About Full-Swing Set-Up?

Lead With Your Hands Using Set-Up Alone

Initiating Versus Accommodating Movement

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Initiating versus accommodating movement is the difference between activity and passivity. Any and all initiating and accommodating movement is valuable to a golf swing. However, we should not be confused about our role. We can both initiate and accommodate movement, but intention only pertains to initiating it, because action has equal and opposite reactions.

Passive movement accommodates active, initiative motion. Passive motion is our counterbalancing mechanism for imbalances initiated by intentional, primary movement. For instance, the hands, arms and shoulders begin moving the clubhead into our backswing. The hips do not begin the swing. They accommodate the initiating parts of our body.

I’m reminded, again, of a conversation with a prominent instructor who suggested our hips are hinges. Of course, our hips are not hinges, because they do not actively do work. Moreover, they are not necessary to strike a golf ball. They are passive, and therefore, accommodative. The arms, hands, and shoulders initiate and substantiate the swinging motion. If our hips move to accommodate the momentum created, so be it. I could just as easily say the further a body part is from the ball, the more passive it’s role in our golf swing.

“What about firing the hips to make (good, powerful, consistent) contact? Isn’t that initiative motion?” No, it isn’t. The fact that some golfers concentrate on moving their hips does not confer initiative movement. Think of what motion your hip movement counters, and you’ll realize pretty quickly that your hips only aid adaptation.

If you “Fire” your hips intentionally, you have made a change in the initiating part of your swing to make it work. You keep your backswing and alter your transition, or you change your backswing and keep your transition. When we make passive, accommodative body parts active, we disturb the initiative parts, and compromise timing to do it. Either way, our hips do not move fast enough or with enough range to add speed. I could even argue that the more our hips turn, the shorter we hit our ball.

Initiation begins the adaptive process. The Open Stance begins the initiative step. Only The Open Stance Academy will give you this information.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder The Open Stance Academy

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Weakness Gives Birth To Ambition

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My mind tells me the following is true.

Weakness gives birth to ambition. Ambition feeds corruption. Corruption seeks power. Power seeks control. Therefore, only the weak seek to control.

Strength gives birth to knowledge. Knowledge feeds wisdom. Wisdom seeks truth. Truth seeks justice. Therefore, only the strong seek justice.

This is the kind of thinking I do when I’m not thinking about how to help people with their Open Stance evolutions. If you can relate, then we’re on the same wavelength. Nevertheless, I believe it’s important to break up the narrative, now and again, with a common connection to real life.

Some watch world events and change their golf swings as if they have no say the process, while we actually have the only say. As sources attempt to wrangle our will with mind games, we need only change the channel to recover our wits. Furthermore, I believe we are on the cusp of reclaiming our personal responsibilities to our lives – to say nothing of our golf games. Hopefully, the next few years will bring us all closer together in fellowship and the freedoms to direct our own paths.

I suppose it was only a matter of time until my interest in other things leaked into my writing here. After all, growth as a person and as a professional is my primary concern. Therefore, why would I want to stay in one lane only when no one else is even on this road? In other words and metaphor, I could never willingly allow my knowledge or skills to atrophy just because I want to stay inside “the box”, because there is no truth inside the box.

Now, I’m going to go plug in my Stevie Ray Vaughan Stratocaster and play a while in true, SRV style. Then, I’ll eat lunch while analyzing world financial data and opinions. I may even place a trade or two. Finally, I’ll go work out before I continue tracking financial and golf news for the remainder of the day and evening.

You may think it’s a pretty cush gig. However, Winter is when I do the most work, gain the most knowledge, share the most wisdom, and seek the most truth. It’s also the time of year I do your golf game the most justice with the best information in the world.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder. The Open Stance Academy

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Lead With Your Hands Using Set-Up Alone

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Lead With Your Hands Using Set-Up Alone

Lee Trevino is the best ball-striker of all time. He didn’t take much time, and he didn’t stop talking until seconds before he drew it back. But, we knew where his ball was going, just like he did. We knew the same of Hogan, Nelson, Kite… line ‘em up. What is it about Texas that produces great ball-strikers?

Certainly, hitting the ball low is a common thread with all Texas Twisters. Texan Rex Baxter, as a high schooler, was Hogan’s favorite exhibition partner. The Hawk was regarded as the best of his time, and yet he admired Rexy’s game because Baxter pierced his West Texas winds from wedge to wood.

Piercing golf shots are particularly effective in high winds, which Texas provides. In fact, most of the plains offer similar conditions. Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma have all turned out some ball-striking savants. But, is it genius, or did these fellas simply adapt to their environment with a goal in mind? They must have intended something specific with their ball, right?

Spin is the enemy when the wind is up. All great ball-strikers have to keep the ball at an optimal trajectory to get both distance, accuracy, and predictability. So, ask yourself, what impact position provides insurance that all three conditions are met?

We know lower-lofted club’s impart less spin, so these guys have to take loft off their clubs with motion. And yet, they all do so with completely unique moves. What, therefore, is the common link in all their impact positions? They all lead with their hands. Their hands were ahead of the ball at impact.

Whether ahead of the ball using a target-line or a toe-line definition I will reserve for another day. However, along one frame of reference or both, golfers who lead impact with their handle strike their ball better than anyone else. It’s why I don’t pontificate about needing to set up open to play good golf. People can set up closed and play well – provided they lead with their hands through impact.

It’s just that a closed set-up and optimal impact position rarely find one another, because it’s Physically more difficult to achieve our original three conditions. Although possible, golfers have to try to violate the Laws of Physics, biomechanical efficiency, and physiological integrity to effectively manage impact. Though, maybe you prefer to walk around the block to visit your next-door neighbor. I’m just more of a – ‘take a left at my mailbox, and another at my neighbor’s’ – kind of person.

Anyway, this post got away from me. I’ll just suggest you watch my original Open Stance explanation from 2013, and direct your attention to impact. The point of this post is to say, Lee Trevino is the best, Hogan is second, JW is third.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder The Open Stance Academy

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A “Flat” Golf Swing Is A Relative Term

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A “flat” golf swing is a relative term. I am recalling a recent conversation with a gentleman who asked me, what one thing would I recommend every golfer do to improve their golf swing? I said I’d make sure their swing is flat enough.

However, what wasn’t asked and what I didn’t offer, is that there are unspoken metrics in my statement tied to my educated assumptions. Now, I know what my assumptions were when I said it. However, within the format of a phone conversation, we often omit our assumptions in favor of making a “bullet point”. In this case, I respect the gentleman’s intelligence enough to make a quick point. But, if I had included my metrics, I wouldn’t have anything to write about today.

So, what defines a flat swing? Also, what assumptions should we make in defining it? What assumptions need their own definitions? And, what is the relative measurement hierarchy in order of importance? There is an order to our assumptions, after all. And they all begin with one condition. And, guess what it is? I’ll break it down in reverse order to keep you in suspense.

I could have a flat swing by my definition and still not look flat if different assumptions are at work. For instance, say my arm swing is nicely under my shoulder plane, but your eyes are in line with where my club points at the top. You may see a more upright plane with a laid-off position. Conversely, if I’m over the top with the same arm swing, I’ll look REALLY flat. Therefore, before we worry about the ultimate definition of a flat swing, we have to know a couple important things.

We need to know not only where our club is in relation to the target plane, but whether our set-up orientation is contributive or not. Maybe our position at the top is compensating for alignment or a limitation of some kind. In any event, you may notice we are migrating back to set-up as the precursor to movement.

But, before we go there, let me talk about address posture and physical make-up using the great J.W. Nicklaus. Jack has a C-Spine at address, whereby the curl of his cervical spine sets his shoulders on a steeper plane. Our physical make-up is also important in defining our dynamic motion. For example, a person with long legs and a short torso, like Nick Price, looks upright until you observe his shoulder plane.

Therefore, to define a flat swing, we have to use our target line to measure our set-up. Our feet, body, and eye orientation provide context before we move. Flat swings involve our arms and torso – regardless of target. However, without a target, we have no workable swing definitions. Therefore, let’s say the target measures, within reasonable limits, our set-up’s cooperation with physics.

Assuming we achieve a cooperative relationship, in all set-up orientations, to our target line, we must define whether our swing is on, over, or under the target plane. Theorhetically, I could have a flat swing with any definition. However, my definition of a flat swing has to do with the cooperation of our shoulder plane and arm swing with our target plane.

Where does that leave us? I’d say agreeing on the importance of broad strokes in instruction requires we agree on our assumptions, first. “Has our player set up open, square, or closed?” “Is their set-up intentional and consistent?” “Do we measure our definition along the toe line or target line? and, “Where do they swing their leading arm in relation to their shoulder plane?” “Where does the shaft point at the top?” If we can align on our answers to these questions, we can define a flat swing without equivocation.

If we intend to be intellectually honest, any consensus regarding underlying assumptions requires an expanded conversation. Hence, before you get into flat versus upright, you should ask some questions. The relative assumption hierarchy begins with set-up, just like the swing itself, and works toward movement.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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Phil ‘The Thrill’ Continues To Drill While Striking His Pill

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Phil ‘the Thrill’ continues to drill while striking his pill on seaside hills. I noticed that, in the midst of his Clambake victory march, Philly Mick was shelling it all over the map. However, on the positive side, at least he missed into the golf course instead of the ocean. He has abandoned control in favor of speed, for now. But I think, in time, he can have both.

So, we saw that he knows how to release his club without closing his clubface. But, did you notice how he did it? Remember the drill Jack Grout gave Jack Nicklaus to help him release his club? Let me remind you. Grout told Nicklaus to keep his trailing heel on the ground through impact. Did you notice what Phil’s trailing foot was doing?

Foreshadowing aside, you may have noticed his finish was shorter, truncated, or cut off. My attention went directly to his feet, because I observed an unmistakable link. One action necessarily accompanies the other. However, Phil’s driving results did highlight an inefficiency easily remedied.

His misses were all banana-balls. Obviously, he is playing with a swing thought that is movement-based. Great players can do that. They know how to score, so it’s of no consequence to drill as they play. Often, they play better. Even I would occasionally hit-and-hold every full shot during a round. However, Phil does have one thing to modify as he drills his way around a golf course – his ball position.

His clubface is square judging by his starting line. Therefore, after he gets comfortable with his new release on life (My apologies), he will need to control his curvature, which means path. He flattened his downswing as he played from an Open Stance last year a bit. He was on the right track. However, I think Phil did not modify his path to gain efficiency.

Now, the release he is working on pairs with a ball position that is slightly further back in his stance. However, if he does not re-path his club more from the inside, i.e. a flatter downswing, he will heel it. Let’s get the word out. Maybe we can get Phil a U.S. Open before he’s done.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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Questions You Should Ask Before Judging A Golf Swing

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Here are some questions you should ask before judging a golf swing. Keep in mind, your golf swing doesn’t begin your expression of intention. It ends it. My research led me to understand the incidental nature of movement. Now, I am sharing some questions I asked of our results.

My first question was, who is swinging the club? Each swing and individual golfer is unique. Therefore, what makes them unique? Physiology is certainly a factor. But, what about individual psychology? How do we each link thoughts together and form unique solutions to the same problem?

We are in the mind now.

What makes the timing of synapses firing in one mind different than another? We have to get the answer by making the right assumption. My assumption is – we are all made of the same stuff. Therefore, I’ll trace the answer back one step based on similarities rather than anomalies. What, therefore, makes us take action?

Our brains tell us to act when safety and risk are balanced. Safety means forethought, at a minimum. So, what makes change risky for one golfer and not another? The answer is, the ABILITY to change. What determines ability? If we have no outward signs on which to base our answer, we have to look inside the mind. But, if each mind is different, what answer applies to all minds?

Ok. Then, what is our mental similarity? We each have an unconscious, subconscious, and conscious connection to life. Hence, under an assumption of psychological competence, where does change begin? Right away, we know it doesn’t begin in the conscious mind. That’s where our actions happen. What about our subconscious mind?

Certainly, we consider action passively in our subconscious. However, the subconscious is more likely responsible for the risk-reward mechanism. Why? Because we form intention here. Change is either worth our time or it isn’t. The subconscious, therefore, is our filter. Why do we have a subconscious mind? My answer was because we have needs to express in action.

Need emerges from our Unconscious mind, and is the engine of change. Conscious Action is when rubber-meets-road. Our Subconscious Intention is the transmission between our engine and our road. Whether a four-cylinder or a twelve-cylinder Need is powering our change, we express the strength of our Need with actions.

A four-cylinder Need never makes it through our subconscious. It is not strong enough to power our change machine, so we throw it out with the risks that down-sized it. Twelve-cylinder Needs torque up our intention quickly, and launch us into tenacious, persistent change with no regard for risks.

Change is about leaving our four-cylinder Needs behind and sticking to our passions of the twelve-cylinder variety. Unfortunately, some golfers never experience a twelve-cylinder Need,  so they don’t realize what they are missing. Their subconscious piles on the risks, causes fear, and shrinks the size of their Need.

However, to some, slower is better. Slower is familiar or predictable, which may be comfortable. Comfort is happiness… to some. Adventure is happiness to others. What makes the difference?

We have no scientific explanation why one mind is arranged differently within the same parameters of sanity, intelligence, and wonder, while experiencing completely different realities within the same dynamic. We have empirical data, but even that is subjectively-derived. So, where do we turn for answers? Everything we now understand leads back to unconscious Need.

Whether we want the answer to a problem, a reaction, a desire, a fear, a goal, or any other question, our pre-existing condition, preceding all discovery, is Need. Furthermore, the only discipline that I believe takes all others into account is Astrology. Believe me or not, knowing our astrology explains our mental differences, capacities, and self-imposed limitations.

My advice to you is, go find your chart. Learn why you are the way you are. Learn why you relate to others the way you do. Who are your avatars? Who else had your basic zodiac and animal signs in their chart? Once you start digging, you’ll discover why your engine for change is strong or weak, and why your mind is unique. Then, you can judge a golf swing based on better self-knowledge.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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The World’s Greatest Clubfitter: Part Three

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The World’s Greatest Clubfitter: Part Three

First, I want to thank the World’s greatest clubfitter, Gurbaaz Mann, for taking time to complete my three-part interview. Second, I want to remind my readers that my purpose is to forward the pursuit of truth and true excellence in life. No one in the clubfitting industry impressed me until I met Gurbaaz. Mr. Mann constantly looks for innovative solutions to questions never asked. Consequently, I think the golfing world needs to know exactly WHO is the best.

JW: Baaz, thanks again for standing in the light. You are a credit to yourself, your family, and your home country of India – not to mention the golfer looking for optimal equipment. My first question today is, what goals do you have for yourself and your golfers?

GM: For all my golfers to noticeably feel, see, and display better results. My goal for even beginners and club level recreational golfers is to start with all the right information. I want a drop of at least two shots from their current handicap or, at worst, fix at least one part of their game to a much improved and elevated level.

JW: And, have you reached some of those goals?

GM: Yes. Since the beginning of 2017, I had thirteen National victories for Junior/Sub-junior girls and boys in India. Aadil Bedi made it to the Asian Games and qualified for the Asian Tour (Through Q school) and, at seventeen years old, is the youngest player yet to do it. I have three victories on the Asian Tour, two victories on the European Tour and a victory in Japan with Ajeetesh Sandhu and Shubhankar Sharma. Shubhankar‘s debut at all majors last year was also fantastic. On the Indian Tour I have 17 victories through the last five years.

The MAJOR GOAL with all my players is to empower them with the knowledge to know exactly what happened when they have a less-than-desirable shot result. In the past, I and many like me suffered from not knowing WHY during our round. We had no way to fix the next attempt, apart from guessing. However, when you are able to define the reason for the shot, you are not frustrated. Therefore, your subsequent, attempted technique yields positively correlated results. Hence, the POSITIVE CORRELATION system.

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JW: I refer to you as the world’s greatest clubfitter because, based on everything we have talked about, I believe it is true. I’ve spoken to a couple clubfitters on the “100 Greatest” list, and neither of them even hinted at the amount of detail inherent in your methods. Could you please expand on your Positive Correlation system?

GM: Sure. For example, we pull a drive on hole one and two. We have no choice but to play Driver on hole three, as we have to fly a hazard. Leading up to our tee shot, our most probable logic is that we have a technique flaw involving one or more corrective measures. So now, some or all of our possible corrections will lead us into our next shot with a calculated guess.

What is missing from our decision-making process are some further diagnostic questions like, does our miss match a pattern with our Driver? Is our Driver a new addition to the bag? If YES, then, are the face angle, weight, TRUE LOFT, torque, CPM, COG, etc. matching up to our previously practised club? IF NO, then we have a well-used, understood, and trusted Driver. In which case, our miss is directly related to technique. Therefore, we can go ahead and use technique variables and avoid being LOST on the course.

Additionally, we may see slight differences in club performance throughout our bag. Our applied action and desired result may not match from one club to the next. I’m not contesting that our fourteen clubs are all different – physically. However, their response to CONTACT, BALL-FLIGHT, AND CONTROL must be predictably similar.

If we could test the specs. of our favorite clubs’ individual components, we could structure the rest of our bag to feel and perform similarly. Chances are that our ‘SPECS’ are necessary to optimize our performance through the major part of our golfing life. Great examples are:

Brandt Snedeker: Driver and Putter


Henrik Stenson: 3-Wood vs. Driver


Tiger Woods’ stinger was best with his steel-shafted, Tileist PTS 3-wood.


In the case of Stenson, he suffers from an equipment mis-match. A clear-cut change in the torque, cpm, and dynamic weighting progression from his 43.5 inch 3-wood to a 45/45.5 inch Driver is causing him problems. Also, Stenson is picking the ball cleanly off the turf or low tee with his ‘spiral staircase’ (Pete Cowen) action. That method is mis-matched with a 460cc Driver head that has a completely different centre of gravity. AND YES, I COULD MAKE A MUCH BETTER DRIVER FOR HIM that feels and performs quite similar to his 3-wood.

As for Tiger, I would love to ask him whether his graphite 3-woods match the stability of the Dynamic Gold steel in his old PTS 3-wood. I’d also like to ask him, how often do you play the Stinger these days?

JW: I’m hearing you say that our assumptions, and not just shot patterns, are primary in diagnosing and curing a golfer’s equipment ills. That awareness impresses me. I constantly reinforce my Open Stance readers and followers that without asking the right questions, we are left to our base instincts, which are emotional, and always lead to trouble. I think our mission is similar, which is to free golfers from chasing misinformation offered by industry minions. So, I’ll ask, what positives or negatives do you observe in our current golf-industry narratives?

GM: The current promise of golf is based on technology which, in reality, is nowhere close to as complete as is in Formula 1 racing, Aerospace, or even Radiology. Body-motion analysis is commonly practiced, but the cure is not truly available. Launch monitors are used widely now to measure ball flight. However, technology that measures what led to our ball flight, from the swing and club/shaft perspective, is not.

The promise of better golf is being delivered by enticing the golfer to BUY MORE CLUBS EVERY YEAR, BUY MORE APPS and TRAINING AIDS, and HIT IT FARTHER – rather than GET MORE SKILLED! I can only imagine the disappointment over spending $500-3000 for Christmas clubs and tech. only to see no improvement.

No wonder less players are playing the game and courses are shutting down. In the end, resources to play golf are limited and being channeled into less-than-satisfying experiences for the price. The money should have been spent on a decent fitting maybe once every five years, lessons with the local, professional teachers and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, GOING OUT and PLAYING (Green Fees). If the ‘RACE’ to keep up didn’t require us to be $2,000 in the hole before playing the game, maybe more people would play and more/better talent could emerge.

JW: I suspect I know. But please tell me why, in compiling a ‘Top 100 Greatest Clubfitters’ list, golf publications don’t speak to the club-fitters themselves?

GM: I stopped reading the magazines a long time back. I’m not worried about that. I agree that more research needs to be done about methods used and why “Top 100” fitters merit recognition. But, I’m focused on my clients.

JW: That’s a fine answer. I’ll take care of it. But, do you think golfers will eventually demand actual work be done by golf publications before recommending services, or will they continue to rely on old standards?

GM: People want real information that can be proven – not false information that is a mere claim. To be able to get the right answers, unfortunately, we need to ask the right questions as you are doing, my friend. In educating golfers, our job is to ask the right questions FOR them. Hence, the publications will have no choice. Sadly, some very famous forums and websites are attempting to bring better questions to the forefront and yet they are falling short.

We must understand that companies give top players, publications, and channels free equipment and money to endorse and support their products. Therefore, players and media do as any business would do – write things that bring the revenue up. But this goes back to whether the advertisement is really TRUE OR FALSE. Imagine a pharmaceutical company advertising something about a product that really doesn’t do what the marketing says. You know what would happen next.

JW: I do. Finally, Gurbaaz, what legacy would you like to leave in the golf industry and in your own life?

GM: There is a lot on that list, which is quite personal. But, one of them surely is to be the path and myth-breaker that every authority in golf looks up to. With discerning coaches as yourself, I’m sure we will get there.

JW: We may, indeed. Thank you, Gurbaaz.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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Why The Open Stance Controls Your Trailing Elbow

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I want to explain why the open stance controls your trailing elbow. However, I’m going to do it by showing you how to ask the right questions. You will fill in the blanks. I need you to think about it so you can own it. I’ll start with a common question.

How can I keep from pulling my shot (left) with an Open Stance? You have options that range from adjusting your grip/clubface, to moving your ball position, and everything in between – including manipulating your trailing elbow. However, your solution will be an element in exactly what makes your unique adaptation work. Answer the question your way.

Why is my solution necessary? Your trailing elbow is one piece of your golf swing pie. Pretty soon, you will realize that all correct solutions are necessary in part or whole to adapt efficiently according to your body type. The decision for implementing one solution has a cascading effect with all others. But, focus on your answer first.

What do I need to do to make my solution work? Readers of my work know, in any great golf swing, your trailing elbow plays a pivotal role. However, you have to get it in position first, which means there is always an efficient, motion-saving predicate to our solution. Your Open Stance grades your answers. If, after repetitions following your best answer, you still don’t know where to turn, ask a better question.

Is my movement necessary? After all, your swing is a chain reaction. One movement precedes impact. Another movement precedes your final movement, etc. Trace your solution back until you either prove it or prove it wrong. Ultimately, your goal is to work within the parameters of eliminating unnecessary motion and saving body stress.

Why is my movement solution correct? This is actually a null-hypothesis kind of question. You work from a base of being wrong until proven right. It’s much easier on our mind to assume we are wrong first. Work from a base of humility until you put all your swing pieces together and understand why your Open Stance controls your trailing elbow.

Working on your Open Stance intellectually open doors, not only to curative freedom, but to control of emotion and focus. Every result, in the process, makes you more competent and confident as an independent contractor of your own game.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B078YDZ3HF&Format= SL160 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=wwwopenstan0a 20&language=en US - Why The Open Stance Controls Your Trailing Elbowir?t=wwwopenstan0a 20&language=en US&l=li2&o=1&a=B078YDZ3HF - Why The Open Stance Controls Your Trailing Elbow q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B07LDZQV1G&Format= SL160 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=wwwopenstan0a 20&language=en US - Why The Open Stance Controls Your Trailing Elbowir?t=wwwopenstan0a 20&language=en US&l=li2&o=1&a=B07LDZQV1G - Why The Open Stance Controls Your Trailing Elbow

The Open Stance Creates Great Ball-Strikers

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The open stance creates great ball-strikers. It forces us to concentrate on set-up, which is where our attention should be. Greatness infers predictability, which is a measure of confidence and a consequence of expectations, honed through perfect practice. In turn, practicing with intention means locking down everything that occurs prior to movement, which is your set-up. The one thing that separates expert ball-strikers from the choppers is their attention to set-up. It’s all on purpose.

You may have heard setting up open is difficult. I’m thinking of that gimmick wedge commercial plugged by Aaron Oberholser. If you listen, you hear him refer to a square set-up as if it’s easier. If Obie were correct, then people wouldn’t set up closed, either. But, they do, which means setting up square is just as difficult. This is all a distraction.

What these bozos don’t want us to know is that setting up to our golf ball is, and has always been, an intentional act – no matter which philosophy we choose. Why would they do such a thing, you ask? I’ll get to that later.

For now, we will review Open Stance benefits. A more generous turn into your backswing, a pause at the top, more leg drive, less stress on forward hip and knee, vertical shoulder rotation, lag, and saving shoulder impingements with a flatter swing are the main benefits. However, I find the most interesting benefits of the Open Stance are in relation to our target and ball.

For instance, when we drive toward the target, we are moving further from the target line. Also, our ball position, at address, moves back in our stance between our feet while remaining in the same position along the target line. Additionally, our spine angle remains the same along our toe line, but steepens along the target line. Each adjustment causes the prior list of benefits to occur naturally, as adaptation becomes assimilation.

Let’s get back to the reason companies and media mislead us with promises of a magic pill or device. They do it to keep your swing and your brain as broken as possible. Hence, they perpetuate our insecurity and associated retail response mechanism – conditioned by decades of subliminal messaging in advertising. Consequently, apparently, we keep running back to buy their latest gadget or DVD.

I hope we can starve their rapacity going forward. This site is free to assist with that goal. My only mission is to free golfers from the misinformation treadmill by offering the truth to battle their untruth. Hence, once again, we play our dangerous game. What you do with this information will determine your success.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B078YDZ3HF&Format= SL160 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=wwwopenstan0a 20&language=en US - The Open Stance Creates Great Ball-Strikersir?t=wwwopenstan0a 20&language=en US&l=li2&o=1&a=B078YDZ3HF - The Open Stance Creates Great Ball-Strikers q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B07LDZQV1G&Format= SL160 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=wwwopenstan0a 20&language=en US - The Open Stance Creates Great Ball-Strikersir?t=wwwopenstan0a 20&language=en US&l=li2&o=1&a=B07LDZQV1G - The Open Stance Creates Great Ball-Strikers