First Things First: Create an Intent for Your Game

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There is one, most important guideline to follow when you are ready to achieve. That guideline is putting first things first after you create an intent for your game. There are any number of professionals willing to tell you what to do and how to do it, while ignoring why it is doable. The future of learning to achieve in golf will begin by adopting the one true route to excellence. After all, “The shortest distance between two points is a straight line… in the opposite direction, Danny.”

Some very smart people are trying to convince us of an alternate route through mental training, fitness training, dietary training, Logically, these paths eventually lead to improvement. But, I have never been the kind who suffers detours well. I am pretty impatient, so wasting time makes me cray-cray. It’s a blessing and a curse.

Usually, the instructor who is oblivious to the detour is just responding to the student’s anxiety instead of breaking down the anxiety into progressive parts. This kind of omission takes focus away from self-improvement and makes it about a relationship between instructor and student. As a self-improvement guy, the reliance on someone else for diagnostics seems ridiculous. Therefore, my goal here is really about helping you help yourself.

First, Need to reach a goal. Second, intend to make it happen ASAP. Third, create a philosophy to guide you (The Open Stance, of course). Fourth, before a move is made, decide what outcome will influence every other in your golf shot – having assumed the rest is carved in stone. Nothing will derail the progress of someone who has decided to take a specific outcome to the practice area and practice until they achieve that outcome.

The outcome should be obvious to the golfing world. And, it will be in time. But, for now, I am the advocate for first things first on the road to achievement in golf. If you would rather take second things first, then I’ll get there first. You will continue trying to get more distance or hit it higher, chip it closer or hit better lag putts without ever doing one, most-important thing first.

The following videos contain my advice on where every process should begin. By taking first things first, we eliminate doubt and disappointment. By setting primary, smaller goals, we we can accelerate the WHOLE PROCESS. But, we have to recognize the difference between the first thing and everything’s else. We cannot be distracted from the essentials of golfing excellence.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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