The consequences of our feet are a matter of conjecture. However, in order to put things in their proper perspective, we must first agree that consequence is a synonym for result. Our golf swing is a reaction to stimuli. Stimuli emerge from our situation, over which we have quite a bit of control.
In the following video I attempt, in spite of the cold, to explain the consequences of foot orientation at address. Specifically, I address how our leading foot orientation changes our ball position. I sacrificed my scapular exercise band by marking it for effect, so I hope you are REALLY helped by it.
Since our ball position changes no matter which foot influences positively or negatively, we WILL experience proportional consequences whether placed inconsistently, in error, or perfectly. Of course our trailing foot has the same effect as our leading foot when ball position is discussed.
The Effect of Foot Placement on The Golf Swing
How Our Feet Can Change Our Ball Position