Golf lessons delay the lasting gratification of self-discovery. For decades, our culture trained us to pursue immediate gratification. Today, I’ll use the Open Stance and Modern Instruction to bookend our philosophical conversation on the topic.
The pain accompanying delayed gratification manifests in impatience and intolerance for any gradual process, like learning. Hence, masses of people live in their subconscious dream-world rather than the harsh reality of personal responsibility. Golfers are no different.
Impressionable minds prefer others tell them what to think rather than cultivate their own opinion through discussion or civil argument. They are happier with the bread-and-circus of identity politics, socialism, and Hollywood morality. It’s really quite Orwellian. If you have not read 1984, their’s is a submission to group-think. Like hamsters at the feeding tube – waiting for the next elite morsel.
Russel Brand, whom I believe is a formidable intellect, interviewed my man Jordan Peterson last year. Their discussion turned to individual identity and responsibility. He argued we received a little consciousness in The Garden of Eden as a consequence of choosing immediate gratification over discipline. Eve’s and Adam’s lack of discipline, and their associated pursuit of ease, was enough to ruin their blissful existence. Whether or not your subscribe to the allusion, the fact that we need discipline to be happy, is universal.
The cure for a little consciousness, therefore, is not a return to unconsciousness or zombieism – glamorized in modern media. Unconsciousness, Brand and Peterson agree, is not a solution to life’s problems. We can’t go backward. It’s too late for that. The solution is MORE consciousness.
Furthermore, they share my opinion that there are many different ways to understand a journey. But, that fact does not supplant one underlying truth that binds every story. Apparently, they believe there are things that are relatively true, and things that are absolutely true… just like Johnny.
Though unsaid, I believe the point is that being merely awake is not our human goal… it is simply our vehicle to gathering experience through individual discovery. Whether an intellectual, a teacher, or a student, we need to use our waking hours for disciplined, intentional work to reach worthwhile, personal goals.
Make a decision to exercise discipline when you practice your golf game. Create your own structure based on a Open Stance platform/philosophy, and work at it. It’s fun. Once you get used to the time commitment, you’ll like it.
Open your stance, and play golf.
John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy
Look What Jordan Spieth Is Doing With His Set-Up!
The Secret in The Open Stance
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