How To Unwind The Tangled Web of Golf Instruction
Since the United States was taken off the gold standard, we have been actively wrapped around the axle regarding our golf swings. Due to so many voices cleverly designing word-pictures and gadgets, we began paying attention to movement. Necessarily, we stopped paying attention to set-up, and got worse instead of better. You are reading my latest expression of intent to free you from the yoke around your minds. Therefore, I have to break down the mind trick we allowed to take us over.
First, we believed that athleticism is, somehow, genetic. Wrong! Athleticism is learned behavior. Over time, we employ our neural pathways to integrate patterns of movement, which help us reach our goal “Naturally”.
Second, we learned we need an “expert” to watch us swing, so immediate fixes are possible. We don’t. Immediate change is intellectual and not athletically-driven. While turning immediate change into permanent change, we make mistakes. Mistakes cause doubt and bring on more immediate change to fix our last… and so on.
Third, we learned we need to see our swing. We don’t. However, we bought millions of camcorders and handheld devices, anyway. All we needed was our intention and our goal with our golf ball. Past legends prove that desire to improve is the greatest recording device.
Desire is what makes us copy our golfing heros’ movement and mannerisms. Look at our young male golfers. Who do they all look like? – Ricky Fowler. They’re just trying to figure out how to grow a moustache on a ten-year-old upper lip.
Fourth, we funneled ourselves into teaching forums and groupthink sites, which are supposed to address our questions and worries. All are replacements for personal responsibility and, consequently, satisfaction for independently reaching our goals. For feeble or broken-down psyches, teaching forums are a walker that keeps us from eating it when we trip over a crack in the quick-fix “pavement”.
Fifth, we believed newer equipment replaces swing fundamentals. Wrong! I just bought a ten-year-old r7Quad TP, and hit it 20 by my 460, custom driver. Moreover, hook-faced drivers, de-lofted irons, hotter golf balls, etc. are all rehashed every six months to keep our golf games on the operating table. It’s like a drug that keeps our pain away. However, our problem is that without pain, we get no gain… true story.
I could go on, but I think I’ve untangled enough for now. In summary, don’t believe the hype. Fight the power. Make love, not war. Force equals Mass times Acceleration. The point drives the conversation, the tangent drives the distraction. Which of these applies to you?
Open your stance, and play golf.
John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy