Is your positioning impeding your progress? Let me ask you…. Have you ever see someone rehearse the perfect backswing, then completely disregard that movement in their actual shot? If so, you saw their rehearsed positioning impede their progress. When we concentrate on the position instead of how to get there, we direct our attention to the wrong intention.
By focusing on your positioning, your brain’s logical side fools you into believing the movement takes care of itself. It doesn’t. In fact, I can guarantee the golfer who focuses on their positioning will progress slower than the golfer who focuses their movement. Golfers who focus on movement progress slower than golfers focused on their intended golf shot. And movers progress more slowly than golfers focused on their set-up.
Rehearsal positions replace athletic instinct more times than not. Unless you are a top amateur or professional, don’t waste time kidding yourself into believing your performance includes perfect positions. I’ve seen many, many golf professionals obsess over their set move only to watch no change occur. And, I’m talking over the course of YEARS.
Our eyes see a position, but cannot see our own movement. Our mind and body must unite to feel movement using feedback and intention. Such is our journey to self-improvement. So, I’ll give you my recommendation….
Hit more golf balls with your focus on your target and your orientation to it. If you set up to do no harm to your golf swing, then no harm will come. If hitting the ball off-center or off-line becomes bothersome enough to you, you will set your golf club in a way that creates the desired result. It’s science (R. Burgundy). Best of all – you get to cure yourself. If you get impatient, reach out.
Best Wishes,
John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy