IMG 5209 - Merry Christmas from Open Stance Academy!

Merry Christmas from Open Stance Academy!

I want to take a minute to say to all, Merry Christmas from Open Stance Academy!

If in the course of play, you want a golf swing dynamic explained, leave your experience or wondering as a comment. I’ll write the explanation for you and anyone else who needs the assist. My book and postings here have pretty much explained all there is to know from an objective perspective. Therefore, subjective adjustments are available for the cost of a query. Call it a change of philosophy. Mix that with a desire to be of service to golfers whose games have been transformed by the Open Stance.

I have students who could probably explain things equally well, but may lose focus talking about our ball-striking contests. Therefore, I will walk the talk for you, whenever you need me. Allow for any initial forgetfulness, please. I’m still trying to make myself more available to friends and family but, for some reason, never seem to answer my phone. Logging into this portal may be less reliable for a bit.

So I’m sitting here listening to Michael Buble. I just returned from attending the funeral of my second father. Here I am choking back tears and wondering how life will ever be as sweet again. You know what I mean? Childhood lasts only as long as your parents and their friends.

Doc leaves an enormous vacuum of personality and leadership to fill in the community. So I thought, if life is ever going to be sweet again, it will be up to me making a greater effort to be there for people who need me. Whether friend, family, or fiddler, I will endeavor here to give, from this season to all that follow, as I have been given. In the mean time, it might be a solid idea to update my other two books, Luck: …. And turning the First Five Years into The First Ten Years.

As Christmas comes and goes, and if I might be so bold to suggest, please remember those you respect and reach out to them. We all need a 1970s type of connection with our loved ones… face to face. Wear your hip-huggers, bell-bottoms or polyesters if you need to, but go with love in your heart, two ears to hear, and only one mouth. And that’s your Merry Christmas from the Open Stance Academy.

John Wright – Founder
Open Stance Academy

Hap.. Hap.. Happiest Christmas since …!

The Grip (a.k.a. The Hands on The Handle)


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