IMG 4545 - “Microgament”


“Microgament” is Michael Scott’s nod to the Peter Principal, once the only way to do the kind of business that inevitably shrinks demand, demoralizes employees, and runs once-viable entities out of business. Now it is the description of the level of stupidity inherent in all supplicants to its purposeful distortions of the free market. And if all that doesn’t make you nod off, this will….

We have just entered the Age of Aquarius – once only a song – but now a scheduled set of expectations inherent in interplanetary and interpersonal relationships as dictated by non-human creation. Once stigmatized as mysticism, its derogatory monikers no doubt emerged from a genuine hubris of church and state officialdom. Their desire to control and aggrandize themselves is bad enough. But to do it by sublimating thought, freedom, and any theory of natural philosophy and our creator, wholesale, is unconscionable.

“Microgament” is an example in modern culture of a smart man’s way to confuse language to dupe the innocent or sleeping masses. It’s passed off as a fun or comedic jab at the idiocy of modern management theory. Similarly, it holds up a mirror to real life in many ways and in many disciplines and businesses. I’ve discussed them at length. However, just for the sake of reminder, I’ll recover the golf instructor corollary.

Words matter. There are words that build knowledge. There are words that destroy knowledge. And, there are words that hide a lack of knowledge. The golf industry has concerned itself with the latter two..

The words used to promote lesson-taking and celebrity over learning and self-improvement have destroyed years of golfers intellect via unwitting neglect of golfing philosophy. And the wordsmiths have imprisoned generations of golfers and tethered erstwhile rational minds to their bank accounts.

You might remember me discussing terms like stack and tilt. I’m not capitalizing it because it’s preeminent among confused golf swing thinking and use of language. It doesn’t deserve the respect of capital letters. Marketing that uses such abstract terminology or, as I call it, definitions without a difference, depends on our ignorance to succeed. Of course there are a myriad examples of the subterfuge-in-word by charlatans-in-fact. I am only pointing out words.

Using words without definitions led to our passive acceptance of any drivel emanating from the warm body on the range telling you how much more they know about moving YOUR ball. I gotta wrap this up…. Here is the thing…. It’s entirely possible that you could learn more about a golf swing by reading through the posts here on than ANY instructor or so-called ”Expert” could accumulate in a lifetime of immersion in “Microgament “-theory. And I don’t need to see you make one swing to get it done.

By: John-J.; .Wright – Trustee

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