Open Stance Offers The Highest Return On Investment

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The open stance offers the highest return on investment. The investment is commitment, time, and practice. The payoff is compounding interest in the process. The open stance, therefore, accrues until the moment you need to call upon your investment for reward on the golf course.

You are joining the fastest-growing segment of the golfing public – self-improvers. The current knowledge transfer regarding set-up is the greatest of our lifetimes. The Open Stance is leading the conversation with talking points that circumvent old narratives of movement, mechanics, and instructors. As a result, golfers are waking to the new dawn of individual choice in adaptation and experimentation around a proven philosophy. Hence, we are now free to treat our adaptation as a journey rather than a errand.

Need, intention, philosophy, religion, and anthropology are disciplines yet to be tapped in freeing golfers from the yoke of Psychology, Biomechanics, and Mathematics. One path keeps you thinking and helpless. The other path keeps you feeling and empowered. Guess which is which.

On Wall Street, the winners are not the people who rely on tips. The winners go out and do their own research. They commit to a goal and choose the best philosophy to use as their fundamental research framework. Each winner chooses the same basic philosophy. They then learn what to look for and what questions to ask. However, no matter how different each expression of their common philosophy is, the winners get there without altering the starting point.

For decades, the dynamic in our world has been, “Shut off your brain, and just buy what we are selling and hold it until we say buy more.” And, for decades, we believed it worked fairly well. However, what we didn’t realize was that our new and exciting, responsibility-free narrative let the snake in the door.

We now know that inflation and inflated personalities, which maintained our illusion, had compromised our humanity. Fortunately, people are waking up now and questioning past methods. As a result, new, more holistic solutions for old problems are filling in the old knowledge gaps.

The future is in taking back our power to make positive changes. We are relearning how to do simple things that contributed to our sense of self-worth and esteem. However, we still have to actively ignore the old system while our (swing) changes occur, lest we fall back into swing slavery.

Our golf swings are, essentially, a corollary for world events and watershed moments. Golf’s watershed moment occurred five years ago when The Open Stance Academy was founded. I showed golfers innumerable examples of the Open Stance philosophy and it’s prevalence in the greatest ball-strikers of all time.

My only mission is to show golfers what is possible when they entrust themselves to the winning, set-up philosophy. Golfers know there is something substantial about that connection. Consequently, people started listening, adopting, practicing, and reporting back their successes with unanimity. Their success was guaranteed.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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