We all love gerunds, clever phrases, and pithy observations. However, my opinion is that ideas and profound solutions, throughout society, mean more to people now. In that spirit, how might Open Stance golfers identify that our pretending is ending? Let me draw out some corollaries.
We know, for instance, that the “Recovery” in the economy was due to monetary heroin in the form of QE123. Mainstream economic news outlets pretending everything was fine, pumped our stock, student loan, real estate, and bond markets to the precipice of failure… again. But, is everything fine?
We know money supply increase is the classic definition of inflation. Obviously, we know the US Dollar only buys a fraction of its 1913 purchasing power. However, when will that inevitable inflation return, and in what common-knowledge form? I suggest inflation is more than a monetary definition. Inflation is the artificial expansion of any system. Information, sales, and services are no exception.
We even inflated our cultural sensitivities. Conservatives stood witness to thirty years of emotionalizing every issue in the world. We’ve seen everyone-gets-a-trophy-ism, political and corporate corruption, and identity politics ruin debate and thought, prosperity and trust. Recently, more radical interests have been trying to erase American history by destroying venerable and hallowed monuments and institutions.
Now, we see greater minds engaging in the deflation. The protections of the radicals are withdrawing. Books and media are deflating along with their fidelity to the Truth, which partially inspires my own work. Revisionism, which once halted the discussion it proposed to advance, is also being exposed as a cudgel to separate people into groups. So, what can we expect? Good things are ahead.
So speedy are the conversions back to logical and profound thinking that more-impressionable minds are reeling from the wake. The SS Sales Marketeer is, ironically, running aground on watershed ideas. The days of pretending that different words, describing the same action, somehow mean something new – is ending.
Look at all the many gerunds describing (ha!) so many dynamics. Aren’t they delightful? Our change of mind is, of course, ongoing. Time determines outcomes. Groups are productive only when their members are logical. Of course, I do know one logical group to which belonging golfers find worth. But, let’s save that for now.
Open your stance, and play golf.
John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy