How to Set Our Plane on THE Plane

Our Swing Plane 756x1024 - How to Set Our Plane on THE Plane
How To Set Our Plane On The Target Plane – What is important is in the shadows….

If you have ever wondered how to set our plane on THE plane, this is a snapshot of that longer explanation. In order to completely explain our process, I’d have to spend time connecting all the disciplines involved from Physics to Need, and back again. I can certainly indulge the thirsty in practice, but this is a blog, so let’s clip the string a bit to make it more easily digestible.

Every swing has a plane of its own. However, our downswing plane is the material plane. Our backswing plane is important, but not essential to our shorter discussion format. Therefore, lets make this easy…. We have to set our plane on the target plane at impact for optimal shot-making.

The downswing plane is steep, optimal, or shallow, which means outside in, square, or inside out along our plane. Also, we are able to swing ‘over’ the target plane, ‘on’ the target plane, or ‘under’ the target plane with any combination of qualitative differences, depending on set-up. However, none of these are empirically tied to set-up, feet, hips, shoulders, or positioning of any kind. Again, we are looking for simplicity.

Every discussion of “Swing Plane” is ultimately measured by the “Target Plane” – regardless of what we do from set-up to strike. Hearing golfers talk about how their swing works always gives me a chuckle, because the laws of Physics don’t care about how its done if the player’s goal has been met. It’s just that sometimes, one golfer will have a lesser goal than another, that’s all. However, Physics is the base of all informed explanation.

If our set-up is closed, we have to steepen to correct. When our set-up is Open, we have to shallow to correct. etc, etc. What we have to determine is our goal and our knowledge about reaching our goal.

Setting a goal is sort of the easy part. Goals are part dreams and part desires. This is where ambition lives. Knowledge, however, is why you are here. Knowing how the natural laws apply to sending a golf ball out into the air to accomplish our goal is our challenge. Therefore, let’s talk about optimization.

Optimal shots have certain qualities, which are: maximum distance per individual, accuracy as defined by small distance and directional dispersion that is repeatable, and adaptational adjustments for natural elements. However, each golfer has optimal shots, subjectively. The temptation among elitists is to judge someone else’s result by their own goals. That’s why The Open Stance Academy asks a student to provide feedback on improvement- so we never get ahead of the student’s mental process. We engage our students in their knowledge base first, and then introduce corollaries, or bridges, to expand our shared experience.

Optimal shots also occur regardless of set-up philosophy. But, only shots struck from an Open Stance encourage optimal ball-striking with the target plane and optimal shot-making in mind. As previously and constantly mentioned in prior articles, books, and submissions by me, the Open Stance set-up philosophy necessitates certain structures that enhance repeatability, extend physical health and longevity, and create power. All are built into adapting our movement to our set-ups, and our ultimate goal of better golf.

Set Our Plane On The Target Plane With an Open Stance

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

The Secret in The Open Stance

Our Frame May Change, But The Plane Does Not

The Longer You Stay On The Plane, The Further It Will Take You


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