Smashing Pumpkins Provide Educational Fun.

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Smashing Pumpkins provide educational fun. Smashing Pumpkins was also a popular rock group in the 90s. I had one of their albums. You know… the popular one. I have memories associated with it. It’s a time-piece, when a bit of grad school fun was had by all. However, we are talking about your impact and Halloween iconology.

Today, smashing pumpkins is smashing actual pumpkins. I have a photo and video. My academy team got together today to light up a Halloween gourd for clubface awareness practice after we warmed up in the holiday glow of our practice barn.

The boys missed for the first couple rounds. Then, they figured out their alignment and swing to keep their clubface square through impact. At that point I left them to their evisceration of Halloween’s rotting forgotten.

Take a page from our childish fun. See what your clubface is doing by setting your Halloween pumpkins on your target line, five feet in front of your tee, and rip away. People may think you’re out of your gourd, but you’ll learn how to carve just the right shape into any shot started straight. Don’t be scared. The seeds of improvement are waiting for you to liberate them.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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