The Open Stance and Snowflake Swings

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The Open Stance Allows Snowflake Swings

We know there are many ways for many golfers to adapt to any given set-up. We also know our athletic adaptive response uses time to create efficiency. And, finally, we know golfers take every shape and size. Therefore, contrary to the innumerable combinations and permutations of improving our golf swing, we know one comprehensive truth…. the open stance allows snowflake swings

I feel like I’m recovering an old and exhausted, though relevant, topic. So, I’ll try to dress it up in seasonal language. Here we go.

Every snowflake that falls has a different appearance. Likewise, every Open Stance swing that crystallizes into final form looks different than all others. But, the same process forms each iteration.

Snowflakes result from a combination water, temperature, airflow, gravity, and size. And, each is a perfect representation of conditional, combinational, quantities and qualities. Snowflakes all originate in the same way, are made of the same stuff, go through the same process on their way to becoming a unique expression of the same perfection. But, we get caught up in what makes each snowflake unique instead of what makes them all the same. Consequently, we only see the differences.

Conversely, every golfer on Earth could set up open and we would only see the varied solutions to our underlying sameness. Which, by the way, is why people can get away with the “there is no one way to swing a golf club” idea. In their zeal to distract themselves with some undefinable, subjective measurement of movement, they focus on the form. Hence, movement zealots interpret facts to support their own conclusions.

Never mind that every human definition emerges from universality, objectivity, predictability, and sameness… common threads. For instance, snowflakes express their adaptive journey, from known origins, predictably and differently than every other. Similarly, Open Stance swings express an adaptive journey, predictably and differently than every other.

We must eventually agree that golf swing movement is almost unimportant. In order to play golf, motion must occur. It’s incidental. We need to focus on the primary that feeds adaptation, which feeds motion. Our set-up is primary. Every other discussion is emotional distraction, or gas-lighting. So, the next time you hear someone say, “There is no, ‘one way’ to swing a club”, think to yourself, “What is their definition of “way”?

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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